chapter 17

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Jimin open his eyes and he is in hospital....tae come towards him..

Tae- are you alright?

Then jimin remember about yn

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Then jimin remember about yn...he try to get up from bed but fell back...

Tae- don't try need rest..

Jimin- no..i have to find yn...she is in danger....i need to find her.

Tae-jimin please try to need rest.

But jimin didn't listen to him and walk out of room and tae follow him...

Park mansion...

Jimin and tae enter in mansion... jimin is angry...he went to living room where Mrs. park is eating breakfast....she looked at jimin with worried face...

Mrs. Park- what happened son? How...

Jimin- stop your drama mom....and tell me where is yn?

She looked at him with confused face...

Mrs. Park- i don't know what are you saying?

Jimin- I'm asking you last time...where is yn?

Mrs. Park- last night she went with you... then how i know where is she?

Jimin- you kidnapped her.. last night...and now tell me where you hide her.

Mrs. Park- i don't know what you are talking about...but i don't know where is she?

Jimin- mom.. I'm ready to do what you want but don't hurt her.... please tell me where is yn?

He said while crying....

Mrs. Park- trust me or not, i didn't kidnapped her...but if you want i will find her for you.

Jimin- no need...i will find her by myself but if you are behind this then you have to pay...

He said and walk out of house and tae follow him....Mrs.park took her phone and dial someone number...


Mrs. Park- I'm sending you a girl picture find her as soon as possible....

Then she cut the call.....if Mrs. Park didn't kidnapped yn then who did?

 Park didn't kidnapped yn then who did?

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True heir:- Battle Of Love And Revenge|| MYG & PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now