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"You're getting married soon, let's have fun while you're single" Jules, my best friend drags me to my closet a week after tea with Ivan and finding a beautiful dress.

No one wants to know what 'fun' means to Jules.

"I've heard of a club, it's really fun, we should go tonight" she digs through my clothes.

"No, I need to see Mike-"

"Didn't you cut him off now that you're getting married? I seriously don't get what you see in him, he's so weird"

I ignore what she says, I really don't know what to say, I don't love, or like him, I'm forced to see him.

"Please Lels, everyone is going, we'll have fun" Jules holds my shoulders and stares at me.

I let out a loud sigh, "fine, only this time, and I'm picking my outfit"

"Ugh, you're boring!"


I settled on wearing a short skirt with a crop top, since Jules said I'm 'not allowed' to wear pants.

And I covered the bite mark with makeup, along with some bruises on my arms.

My whole body freezes once Jules parks infront of the club she was talking about.

Ivan's club, the sex club, "Jules, I am not leaving this car" I shake my head, no never.

"What? Why? Are you serious?" She lets out a frustrated sigh.

"This is Ivan's club, I can't go in" my leg bounces up and down as I stare at the door, groups of people rushing inside with excitement.

"Ivan owns a sex club?" She frowns with confusion, I nod chewing on my bottom lip.

"The club is huge Lels, we'll sit far away from him, plus he might not even be there"

"I promise, I'll drive you home as soon as you want to"

I think for about 2 minutes before nodding, I hate saying no to my best friend, she always tries her best to do stuff to make me happy.

"Fuck yeah!" Jules squeals rushing out the car to show the guard our ids.

Walking inside my soon to be husband's club makes a lump form in my throat.

Music blasting, people either making out or hands in eachother's pants, groups of 18 year olds playing games and yelling on top of their lungs.

Jules drags me to the barstool ordering drinks for the both of us.

"Uh oh" Jules nervously smiles at me once she sees something behind me.

I frown and turn around, I wish I didn't, my stomach twists and I gulp looking at Ivan standing infront of a table going inside three different girls every couple of seconds.

His whole shirt is messed up, hair messy everywhere, his best friends, Mateo and Roman, fucking the girls mouths while laughing with Ivan.

Crowds make a circle around them everyone watching, some masturbating, some cheering, and some laughing.

Ivan lifts his head up and his eyes drop to mine, a smirk playing on his lips making my insides even twist more.

"Everyone!" Mateo drunkly stands on the table with only his boxers and a shirt on yelling "it's my best friend's fucking birthday!" He points at Ivan who's thrusting the shit out of the girls.

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