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Disclaimer: I STILL do not own Teen Wolf. I also don't own any of the characters, plot lines, etc. that are involved in Teen Wolf, although I wish I did. All of that goes to the amazing mind that is Jeff Davis. I do, however, own Samantha (Sammy) Argent, Karen Wright, and Thomas (Tom) Wright, their backgrounds and any plot lines derived from their back stories.


I sat on the bench waiting for the team to come out. After five minutes of complete boredom, Scott and Stiles plopped down next to me.

"It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was." I raised my brow at Scott.

"What if you can get him one-on-one? Would that help?" Stiles asked.


"Okay. I think I got an idea."

"What happened" I asked as Stiles ran off.

"There's another werewolf. He's on the team"

"Well that's just great" I sighed. Derek's making a pack and that means more people that could end up dead. Stiles came back to us, dropping equipment on Scott.

"I told Coach you're switching with Danny today"

"But I hate playing goal."

"Remember when I said I had an idea? This is the idea."

"Oh. What's the idea?" I laughed quietly and patted Scott on the back.

"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes." Stiles pushed Scott towards the goal. Coach blew the whistle and the first person went up. Scott ran out from the goal and tackled him down, sniffing him. Scott did this with the next three people.

"McCall! The position's goal keeper. Not goal abandoner." Coach yelled at Scott.

Next was Isaac. Scott ran out of the goal, even after all the nagging from Coach. I watched as Scott rammed into him sending the two flying. Once they landed, I could see both of their eyes glowing their yellow color. Coach blew his whistle. I looked over to him and saw the Sheriff with two other deputies. They called for Isaac. I met up with Scott and Stiles.

"His father's dead. They think he was murdered." I said, listening in on the conversation between the Sheriff and Isaac.

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asked

"I'm not sure, why?"

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours."

"Like, overnight?" Scott questioned

"During the full moon."

"How good are these holding cells at holding people?"

"People, good. Werewolves, probably not that good." I said

"Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?" Scott asked


"He does." Coach let the team go in early. As I walked back to my car I got a call from Derek. I was still pissed at him but I answered it anyway.


"You're still mad" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you almost killed me."

"But you're alive."

"Is that supposed to make it better"

"I need you to meet me at Isaac's"

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