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Once I got home, I noticed the door cracked open. I walked inside quietly, grabbing the gun under the front table. I rounded a corner to the kitchen and someone grabbed the gun out of my hand, twisting my wrist. They put something over my head and carried me out. I kicked and punched but nothing worked. I was thrown into a car. After about 15 minutes the car slowed to a stop and i was dragged out. I took in everything around me. Sounds, smells. I knew where we were. The Hale House. I got tied to a chair and finally they took the thing off my head. I found Chris next to me and an empty chair across from us. He was starting Allison's training.

"You could've warned me! God, I thought someone was trying to kill me!"

"I was hoping Allison was going to be here before you so it would seem more realistic. You were supposed to put up a fight"

"I did"

"It only took 5 minutes to get you"

"I've been out of it for a while Chris" One of the newest members of the group brought in Allison. He put a rag into Chris' mouth then into mine. I hated this the first time I had to do it. He walked back to Allison and took off the sack off her head. She looked at us with complete terror. I heard the recording.

"Ever wonder what happens if a hunter gets bitten, Allison? Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your father would do? What do you think he'd have to do? When all it would take to change everything is one bite. Everything changes."

Chris broke out of his bindings and extended his hand. His recruit handed him the phone. I broke out of my bindings.

"Is this how we're gonna do father/daughter talks from now on?" Allison asked, clearly angry.

"This is how we're gonna train you." I said rubbing my wrists.

"Do you know why we use arrows?"

"They can't heal until it's taken out."

"Look familiar?"

"You were going to kill him."

"That's right.And if we find Isaac on another full moon, we will kill him.That's the hard choice we make.But it wasn't my choice."


"No.You see, our family has a surprisingly progressive tradition.Knowing wars and violence are typically started by men, we place the final decisions, the hardest, with the women.Our sons are trained to be soldiers.Our daughters, to be leaders."

"And in some cases you're trained to do both. Your father has leader material, though he won't admit, and I, I was trained to do it all."

"That's right. Training starts now. Time her" Chris and I walked out of the house. Seeing as I was forced here, Chris drove me back to my house. It was a silent ride, but it wasn't awkward. He dropped me off at my house, no questions, no comments, nothing. He just dropped me off then left.

I didn't bother to question it, considering Gerard was back in town, he probably has Chris' mind going everywhere right now. I got in my car and drove to Derek's new place. When I got there, I heard thumping, like someone being thrown to the ground. Sure enough, Derek was throwing Isaac to the ground. He was trying his best to attack Derek but Derek wasn't making it easy. I stood on the staircase next to Boyd. Isaac went at it and again, Derek threw him down. But this time, the stuck up blonde girl jumped onto Derek and sucked on his face. Boyd looked at me and raised his brow. I shook my head and laughed. He threw her down and wiped his lips.

"That's the last time you do that" he barked.

"Why? Because I'm a beta"

"Well, that and Derek doesn't do well with blondes" I said, referring to Kate. Derek glared at me and Boyd gave me a high five.

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