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At some point last night, I picked up Sarah, drove home, and fell asleep. I got out of bed and did the usual morning stuff. Good thing it was spring break because Sarah would've been extremely late to school.. like school would be over, late. I walked to her room and knocked on her door.

"Sarah" I waited for her to open the door but she didn't. I opened the door and found that she wasn't even in there. I shook my head as I dialed her number on my phone. Unsurprisingly she didn't answer.

"This girl" I walked down the stairs and put my shoes on. I drove to Derek's to help him chain up his betas. Sucks I'll be doing that instead of going to Lydia's birthday party. I walked down the stairs to the sub cars.

"What if we break free?" I heard Boyd ask.

"Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here. Probably try to kill Derek, then me, then kill each other and then anything else with a heartbeat." I said walking towards them.

"I need you to hold her." Derek said to Isaac.

"So how come she gets to wear the headband?" he asks while holding onto Erica's arms.

"Because she'll be able to withstand more pain than the two of you. I've got an extra one if you really want it."

"Nah, I'm alright."

"You ready?" Derek asks Erica.

"Yeah" Derek slowly twists the nails on the head thing pushing them into Erica's head. Erica's screams fill the entire room. I walk back out to the main floor and sit on the ground. I tried to focus on anything other than her pain that was making its way into my body. I felt myself slowly starting to shift. I thought about my father, anything I remembered about him, I used him as my anchor to bring me back.

"Sammy!" Luckily it worked. I ran back to Derek who was chaining Boyd to the rail. I walked to Isaac who was waiting for his turn. He sat on the seat while I chained him to it.

"How do you not feel this?" He asked

"I feel every second of it."

"Then how do you control it?"

"Find an anchor. Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control."

"What is it for you?"

"Family, and for Derek, anger."

"But it doesn't have to be that for everybody." Derek says as he walks towards us.

"You mean Scott?" Isaac questions


"All right, that should do it." I say as I finish. Isaac tugs his leg and the rail I chained him to breaks off the ground. I look at Derek. The other two betas start to growl viciously.

"I don't think this is gonna work" I say to him. He walks out to the main floor. I stand up and slowly start to back away from Isaac. He breaks free from his restraints.

"Derek!" I shifted so I could fight off these three maniacs. Boyd and Erica take turns beating up Derek while Isaac taunts me. Derek does a stupid thing and hits Isaac on the head which makes him really mad and jumps out the window.

"Isaac!" I follow him out to the main floor. He roars at me.

"Isaac, find an anchor" he continues to circle around me. He needs an anchor, something, someone. Then the image of his father ran through my mind, but not the father that beat him, the one that wasn't an alcoholic, the one that loved his children.

"Think about him! Think about your dad, before he treated you badly, think about the dad that loved you" Isaac slows to a stop. I walk cautiously to him. There was a loud crash from inside the sub cars. I run inside. I pin Boyd down as Derek chains Erica. Both betas were deeply cut but they weren't as bad as Derek. Derek chains up Boyd next to Erica. Isaac comes in and sits back in his seat. I smile at him.

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