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"Sammy, can't I come with you" Sarah asked for the fifth time. I sighed.

"Sarah, I- no." I shook my head.


"Sarah, I need to do this, for me" I said.

"You'll be back right?"

"Before school starts, yes. I promise." I smiled at her.

"It's just- I'm gonna miss you"

"Melissa is amazing though. You'll love her" I reassured her.

"Okay." She smiled at me. Stiles and Scott barged through the door.

"No. Sammy, no!" They yelled simultaneously


"NO!" Stiles was up in my personal bubble.

"Stiles." I said while taking a step back.

"You can't" he said while stepping closer.

"I'll be back"

"What if you get hurt"

"I can defend myself"


"I already tried everything Stiles, she won't budge" Sarah said

"Be safe okay?" Scott said. I smiled at him and nodded.

"See, why can't you guys support me like Scott" I laughed while hugging him. The other two scoffed.

"You two," I pointed at Scott and Stiles, "look out for her okay? If I come back and find her with tattoos and piercings everywhere I will cut you, both." They gave me a thumbs up, "and you," I looked at Sarah, "be good for Melissa. She works very hard and I don't want you to make things harder for her" she nodded her head. I smiled at all three of them.

The hardest part about leaving was actually leaving  town without turning back. I was gonna miss them more than anything, but I think a summer away from Beacon Hills is what I need. I had to figure out what was happening to me. All these crazy new abilities like time traveling, and feeling other people's pain.

I did what I stayed to do and that was to fight Gerard until things were safe again, and things were safe now that Gerard was put into a long-term hospital. Scott and Stiles, with the help of Derek and his pack, will be able to hold down the fort until the end of summer. Or at least, I hope so. I grabbed my bags off the floor and took them to my car.

"Where are you gonna go?" Scott asked as he set one of my bags in the trunk.

"I don't know yet, wherever the wind takes me I guess." He nodded his head.

"Allison said she wanted to talk to you before you left" he said. I haven't seen or even talked to her since that night. I've gotten the message that she feels terrible for what she did, but I know she doesn't regret it. She thinks her mother died partly because of me and she doesn't regret getting me back for it. She might feel bad but she doesn't regret it. And I'm not gonna be the one to tell her the truth.

"She hasn't" I breathed out as I closed the trunk.

"Maybe she's still busy packing" Scott said. Then I remembered that she was going to France for the summer. She needed a break too. I think everybody did.

"Yeah, maybe" I forced a smile so I didn't sound like I was being hostile. Stiles and Sarah came out to us. The four of us group hugged.

"We're gonna miss you" Scott said as we pulled apart.

"I'm coming back guys" I laughed, trying to push back the tears.

"We know but-"

"Ugh, you guys are making me emotional." I wiped the few tears that slipped down my face.

"Aw Sammy!" We all hugged again and I laughed. When we pulled apart again, I walked to the driver's side and got in. Scott, Stiles, and Sarah stood on the grass watching me pull out of the driveway. They waved me off as I drove down the street. I watched them disappear in my rearview mirror. I took in a deep breath. I was ready to leave, ready to find answers, but then his imagine ran through my mind and I knew I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.


I walked up the steps to the Hale House. I pushed the door open.


"Right here" I smiled at him as he walked towards me, "you're leaving." his tone of voice was bitter.

"Yeah." I said while nodding


"I need some time-"

"We have no time"


"You can't leave."

"It's just for a few months!" I was getting mad. Out of all people, I would've thought he would be the most supportive.


"Must I remind you, you almost killed me."

"Why does it matter. You said you were over it" He was clearly annoyed that I still brought it up.

"And I am. But things have been different since then, and they've been getting even weirder since Peter came back to life" I explained.

"That doesn't mean you have to leave" he folded his arms across his chest.

Now I was done.

"Okay. You know what, I'm gonna go. There's obviously something bothering you and I don't want to deal with that so bye."


I shook my head as I walked out of the house to my car. I didn't have the time or emotional capacity for this. I needed to find answers to all my questions. I had an entire summer to do so.

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