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I found myself standing outside of the Hale house as it's burning.

"C'mon Sammy, wake up" I heard a man's voice. There was no one around me. It's like it's happening in real time but it doesn't actually feel like I'm here. Like I know that it's a dream.

"She'll be fine. We have to go" This time, it was a woman. I followed the voices until I found their owners.

"What if sh-"

"Tom we have to go now!"

"Okay okay okay just give- give me a second" I found my dad hovering over a body and a woman standing a few feet from him. All three people were yards away from the burning house. I wanted to say something, I tried to but no words came out. I walked closer to them.

"Karen's coming back, if you want to leave, you have to right now." I looked to the right of me and sure enough, not too far in the distance was my mother. She was looking back at something or someone.

"Where's Theo" I looked back at my father.

"He's safe" I peeked over his shoulder and found the body to be me. I walked to the other side so that I was facing my father.

"Derek wait!" I looked back at my mom. Derek was with her and so was Laura.

"Okay, okay, Sammy if you can hear me listen up. I'm so sorry. I love you, and I love your sister Sarah. But I have to go,  I just, I can't risk you two getting hurt. I'll be back, I promise." I watched as he and the mysterious woman took off into the preserve, running as fast as they could away from this.



I breathed in an extensive amount of air as I woke. I don't know what these dreams- flashbacks mean but I'm so confused with the "truth" that I know. I tried to get up but felt a heavy weight on my torso. Then I remembered last night. And then I smiled like a goof. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I swiftly got out of Derek's grasp. I slipped into some random clothes that I got from the ground.

"Why can't I tell Sammy?" I heard Sarah whisper.

"You can, just... not right now" my mother's voice.


"Sarah please, just don't say anything." there was a long pause, "who came over last night?"

"What do you mean"

"It smells like sex" I face palmed myself. I cannot believe she said that.


"I said there's two heartbeats coming from her room" yeah nice save mom

"I didn't see anyone and I didn't hear anything" it's a good thing she didn't.

"Well someone's in there with her" thanks for stating the obvious mother.

"She can fend for herself" Just by the tone of her voice I knew Sarah rolled her eyes. She does it a lot. Like all the time.

The footsteps continued, getting closer to my room. I made my way to Derek, shaking him lightly until he woke. He looked at me for a second before smiling. God he's so cute.

"Sammy!" there was a loud knock.

"Who's here?" Derek mouthed to me

"My mom. You gotta go" he pouted which made me laugh. He rolled his eyes and got up.

"Sammy!!" the knocking continued.

"Oh my god give me a second!" I walked to Derek who stood by my window. He turned to face me and I noticed he didn't have a shirt on under his leather jacket. I looked at him confused. He pointed at me. I looked down and sure enough I was wearing his shirt.

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