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I pulled up behind Stiles' jeep. I got out and ran to the passenger side.

"Where's Scott?"

"He jumped the fence" Stiles replies. I heard gunshots. Chris was here. It's too much of a risk for me to go in after him.

"We gotta find another way" I say.

"We could go through this alley" Sarah said from behind me

"Sarah?" Stiles asked.

"Oh great, you guys have met. Let's go" I ran down the alley with them following behind. The three of us ran towards the street where we found Scott. I touched his shoulder and he jumped a little.

"Wha sorry, I'm sorry." he let out a breath of air

"Did you see where he went?" Stiles asked

"I lost him"

"You couldn't catch his scent?" I asked

"I don't think he has one"

"All right, any clue where he's going?"

"To kill someone." Scott stated the obvious.

"Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Makes perfect sense now." I laughed at Stiles sarcasm but Scott didn't find it too humorous.

"What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense." I nodded my head in agreement

"Just help me find it."

"Not "it." Jackson." I clarified

"Yeah, I know. I-I know. Sarah? What are you doing here?"

"All right, we'll get to that later, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" Stiles asked

"I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway."

"Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?" I questioned

"I don't know."

"Maybe it's like an either-or thing. I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the Kanima not the Kanima?" Stiles asked

"When it's Jackson." I replied. There was a moment of silence as we processed the information

"Uh dudes." Stiles was a few feet away from us looking up into the building

"See that?" A tail.

"He's inside." Sarah said

"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles asked

"I know who he's after." Scott said. I smelled it too

"What, how? How? Did you smell something?"

"Armani." I replied. Danny's signature scent. The four of us went around to the side entrance.

"Aw, come on." Stiles tried opening the locked door.

"All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh like, a window we could climb through," Scott used his super strength to pry the handle off, " or some kind of Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength. How'd I not think of that one?" Stiles made sure the door closed after we all made it through. The sight in front of me was not suitable for my lovely little sister.

"Dudes, everyone in here's a dude." Sarah yelled over the music

"I think we're in a gay club." Scott stated the obvious

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