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I ran up to the burning house. Black smoke made its way up to the already clouded sky. Everything was so vivid. I could hear the screams of everyone, asking for someone to save them. The smoke filled my lungs and I coughed viciously.

"God, Kate what did you do?" I asked, wishing that she was here so she could give me an answer. I saw someone coming out through the front door.

"Dad!" I ran up to him, helping him drag Peter's half-burned body away from the house.

"Sammy, I gotta go back in there" He was ready to run back into the flames

"No wait" He turned to look at me for half a second then gave in and ran to me.

"I have to try Sammy. Listen, I love you okay. So much." I kissed my forehead, then I watched as he ran back into the house. The front of the house collapsed after he passed through it and I knew he wouldn't be able to make it out. I had to do something. I made the choice to go in after him.

I ran up the steps to the porch and swiftly made my way through the fallen structure. I tried not to breathe in the smoke as I ran around the house looking for my dad or anyone, really. I ran up the stairs. I ran passed all the rooms, glancing in all of them.

"Sammy?" I heard a female voice, "Sammy! Help! Help!" I ran towards the sound of her voice. I couldn't see who it was through all the black smoke and flames.

"I can't get in!" I yelled



I woke up to the sound of a plate crashing. I quickly grabbed the gun in my nightstand and made my way downstairs.

"Crap" I heard a female voice.

"Nice going Sarah" Now it was my mother's voice. I set the gun down on the table in the hall and walked towards the kitchen. I found my mom and another girl crouched down, picking up pieces of the shattered plate.

"Mom?" She stood up and walked over to me.

"Ah Samantha, looking lovely as always. Sorry if we woke you" she gave me a half-hug

"Um, who's that?" I pointed to the girl who was still cleaning up.

"Samantha meet Sarah, Sarah, Samantha. Though she likes to be called Sammy."

"It doesn't sound so official" I smiled at her.

"Anyway, Samantha, Sarah is your sister." My eyes went wide



"What" I was stunned.

"What?" My mom asked

"Sister" I said making sure I heard her right


"What" I'm still confused obviously

"Samantha!" She groaned

"Can I talk to you for a sec" I dragged her into the living room.

"Is she.. like us?"

"No." I was relieved

"Then what the hell did you bring her here for?"

"I need you to look after her"

"Mom!" I whisper-yelled

"Things aren't safe for her with me Sammy, you know how that goes." I rolled my eyes.

Black Smoke // Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now