Ready, Set, Go!

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Y/n's POV:

"Ok, who are you again because I gotta go for PE already" I asked the monkey man, "the names Macaque, Six Eared Macaque is the full name".

"Ok, then why are you here?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean by 'i don't know?'"

"You know what? I'll explain this later, this is a school right? Whens recess, I'll explain then."

The monkey man or should I say Macaque asked me. "Recess starts at 10.00 am and ends at 10.30 am." I answered. "Meet me at the grass field at lunch I'll explain then" he told me, "K", "Oh and keep the staff for now.". And with that, he vanished, not really vanished but he fell in a dark purple hole? Nothing really makes much sense right now. I thought as I went downstairs for PE.

As I listened to the teacher teaching chinese, strangely enough not much people asked about the staff though. I heard the bell ring. It wasn't necessary to look forward to it on a normal day but this wasn't a normal day, I could finally get answers about why Macaque was in the school and what did he mean by only he could lift the staff? As the class lined up outside the classroom, I took my lunch and the staff and went downstairs with the others.

I completely forgot I had to eat so I just rushed to the grass field, and there I saw Macaque. Standing there? When he saw me he waved at me though, I walked up to him. "No need to be so scared" he told me, "How can I not be when I see a complete stranger telling me to meet him at the school grass fields?" I asked him. "Ok ok I get that you have a ton of questions and I can answer them, just give me a sec"

Right after he said that he took out some sort of fan? He did a ritual but it kinda looked at a funny danced so I chuckled at the side while watching him finish the ritual. Right after I saw that time stopped? Like no one was moving but me and Macaque.

"Ok so let me answer those questions, no I am not from this universe, yes I did just stop time and the reason why I told you to meet me here is that your going to be my successor!" he told me,


"Look, I get it, you need some time to think, I'll give you some space"

"But how do you know I'm going to be your successor?"

"It's because you had my powers the moment you held my staff, so without proper training, it would cause a ton of chaos here and I know that you have to much on your plate right now"

"Ok..." I said slowly as I started to piece everything together.

"Anyways I know that you wouldn't accept right now so just tell me when you-"

"I accept" I said as I cut of Macaque from talking.

"I... All right then, you ready to travel the universe?"

"Ready" I said with a energetic voice. "Let's go then, you might wanna hold on tight" Macaque told me as he pulled me close like a hug or embrace.

He summoned a portal that glowed out gold, silver, light blue and dark purple, various musical notes sounded when each of them glowed. "Wait are you sure I can travel universes?" I asked him "Yea, I think?" "Wait WHAT!?" before I could comprehend what was going on, he jumped in the portal pulling me in.
_______________________________________whoo! I might make another chapter tmr bc it's getting late and it gotta sleep

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