The King, The Prince, And The Shadow

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Y/n's POV:

I was in a pink ball with Ne Zha, and the ball began moving by itself. (idk what it's named)

"So where are we going again?" I looked at Ne Zha.

"You'll know soon enough, Macaque..."

"What!? Macaque? I'm not him!"

I continued to try and talk to Ne Zha, what were his favourite things to do, what was his favourite colour, but it mostly backfired. Suddenly, we stopped in front of a train, luckily it stopped when it saw us.

"Monkey King..." Ne Zha muttered out.

Ne Zha used his rings to slice the train in half, and inside I saw Mk and the rest, along with Sun Wu Kong.

"Oh hey! Turns out you actually kept your side of the promise after all, well, I'll be going now. Bye-!"

I wanted to jumped down to the train, but Ne Zha stopped me. He held me by my shirt.

"Let me go Ne Zha! This isn't funny!" I cried out, I had a slight fear of heights, and Ne Zha holding me like that made me scared, especially since I could fall any second. He then dragged me down to the train, well, at least half of the train that was sticking out.

"Sun Wu Kong, finally." Ne Zha glared at him.

"Ne Zha, my old friend. Don't tell me you trekked all the way out here to hang out with lil' ol' me."

"Let. Me. Go. Ne Zha." I told him, and he ignored me again.

"You know exactly why I'm here. I will not let you reforge the Samadhi Fire and doom this world." He told Monkey King.

I looked at Mk, giving him a 'help' look, but he just stood there, frozen.

"I can't believe it's really you! The legendary Third Lotus Prince, Ne Zha! I must be the luckiest Tang in the world!" Mr. Tang happily called out.

"Silence, mortal!" Ne Zha yelled at Mr. Tang, that was the last straw.

"I said, LET ME GO!"

I summoned my staff, and used it to hit Ne Zha's arm, but I failed.

"STOP IT!" Ne Zha used his staff and wrapped it around my neck, like he was doing a 'move again and I'll choke you' move.

"How did you find us? Wait, wait, don't tell me. You took a sneaky peaky at the map while you were supposed to be guarding it? Now who's untrustworthy?" Monkey King teased Ne Zha.

Ne Zha was going on and on about how everyone kept the rings wrongly, and I was thinking of a plan to get away from this situation... Maybe I have the strength?...

"This is exactly why the Rings of Samadhi should have been entrusted to me alone! Hand over the ring, child. I won't ask-"

I kicked Ne Zha in the stomach, sending him flying, luckily his grip loosened so I could squat down before he took me with him. I turned to the others, they were looking at me in shock.

"What? I called you guys to help me, it's not my fault I had to do things by myself" I shrugged.

"That's not going to stop Ne Zha for long. Go. You have to get to the mountain now!" Monkey king told us.

"And then what?" Mk asked him.

"Just wait for me there. I'll explain everything."

"But-but I can help! Let me help you."

"There's no time, bud. Macaque could show up at any second. Go!"

"I'm coming with." I told him.

"Y/n this isn't the time for Hero stuff."

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