Chapter Six: Intruder

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LUNCH WITH MOM, Zayden and frightened Luke went all fine, mom showering my friend with compliments and giving him more sandwiches saying 'it'll make him more muscular and attractive' her words not mine.

Now I'm currently in Zayden's room on his bed, having a glimpse of the spacious room. He has a desk that's close to the open window with a laptop on top of it, a shelf full of novels mostly fictional books since his a fan of marvel comics and films. My eyes dance along the familiar balcony filled with white tulips imprinting a forestry image in my mind.

The room is quiet dark since he prefers gloomy spaces and the coal black and deep shade of grey walls contribute to the atmosphere, it creates a contrast between the luminous balcony and his  room.

"Wanna watch a movie and eat some snacks?" Wiggling his aligned brows at me, lips spread wide as he asks me.

"Sure and please buy some cupcakes, I'm craving them right now." I growl causing him to laugh at my silliness.

"Of course, just wait here I'll be back in a few." He leaves me alone in his room, I reminisce about the memories this room holds making a stupid grin take form on my lips.

Images of him and I flash in my mind, from the first sleep over we had in this room, when gentlemen Zayden let me sleep on the not-so-comfortable couch and how his mom figuratively killed him right in front of my eyes for his selfish hospitality.

It's difficult to believe how he has changed. He has grown in a short span of time, from wussy Zayden to a charming man who can flawlessly be flirtatious and very mischievous. The infatuation I have for him seems to accumulate ten times more, I'm doomed.

Slipping my phone out of my pants, I glance at the time before scrolling through Instagram, my newsfeed is packed with pictures of people - Damian included, at Allison's beach party, they're surely having a great time. I get bored after a few minutes of aimless scrolling, having no choice but to shut it off.

What's taking Zayden so long, I'm starving.

Debating on calling him, I hear muffeld voices downstairs, girl voices. Is it Breanna? Oh god no! She supposed to be at the beach party, what is she doing here?

Footsteps together with chattering become more clearly, I hear them talk about Damian, the heart throb of the school.

"Have you heard Damian is coming to the party?" One of Breanna's sidekick, probably Chloe enquire. Their heels tap on the marble floor in the passage nearing to Frank's room.

"Of course he will be there, Bre you need to get his attention and make him yours." That is definitely Sabrina - Breanna's best friend since middle school.

"I want his eyes solely on me and I have a perfect outfit that can leave him mesmerized." I can already picture   her smirking at her genius plan to seduce Damian, how pathetic. The girls' gushes and giggles pass the room I'm currently in, my ears peek up the sound of a door closing easing my panic mode, phew that was terrifying.

Breanna and I dislike each other, she's always scrutinize my clothing even my hair, we never got along. Frank once tried to set us up and it was a terrible idea, reminiscing about it forever leaves me fuming and scowling. I genuinely don't like her.

Releasing the bad particles, I walk to the open walk in closet situated adjacent to silver framed mirror that takes up almost the entire wall. Zayden's fragrance hangs in the air, man he smells good!

My feet automatically take me to the section of hoodies that are neatly arranged, my eyes drink up the variety of colors extracting a yelp of joy. Tracing my index finger on the garments, pleased with the soft texture I take my brain to make a decision, which one shall I steal?

A blood red hoodie grab my attention, it's way oversized and looks comfy. My fingers eagerly make contact with the cotton fabric and I suppress a tiny moan, it's extremely soft. I'm definitely hijacking this hoodie, let me just take it of the hanger and —

"What are you doing in my brother's closet, freak?" Breanna hisses in a grievous manner, still in the jolted state my cheeks turn crimson red from embarrassment.

"Why are you touching my brothers clothes, weirdo?" A scowl is plastered on her oval shaped face, her unanswered question piss her off even more because she's about to lurch over me. Why did she have to come in at this moment?

"I was simply looking for um... my green scarf that went missing that time I visited here." My voice dry from the embarrassment and

"Lia! I'm back and Taylor is with me, come downstairs!" I dashed out of Zayden's room before Breanna burns me to death with her deadly glare, I hear her scream my name as I abruptly race to Frank who I find him in the kitchen with Taylor leaning on the white kitchen counter adjacent a high class fridge.

My breath hitches up my throat when I realize Brianna is bolting down from the circular stairs. My eyes set on on her brother for help, he only sighs and shakes his head as if tired of Breanna and I's cat and dog fight.

"Hey! You can't just run like that in my home, who do you think you are? You didn't even give me an answer, you weirdo. Now answer me or I swear I will –" A ugly scowl is plastered on Breanna's face, but turns sickening sweet when her eyes zoom on Taylor who's watching the scene with a poker face. Does he ever smile?

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