Chapter 5: Final Destination

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I hastily pulled my clothes back on, the thrill of our recent encounter dissipating.

"Who are they?" I asked, my voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Silver's intense yellow eyes met mine as he finished putting on his shorts. "They're my pack, the Ironfang Clan. They're hunting nearby. You need to turn back, Red. It's not safe for you here."

"Wait," I blurted out. "You're an Ironfang werewolf?" My heart raced, and my cheeks flushed.

"So what?" Silver replied, frowning.

I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief, feeling the weight of the situation sink in. I was screwed. But I couldn't turn back now – Grandma's house was just ahead. Images of her alone in her hideout flashed through my mind, stirring both worry and determination. The Ironfang Clan was known for being bloodthirsty, their brutal reputation preceding them. We Hoods had even moved away from the Fontainebleau forest to give them chase, hoping to protect humankind from their vicious nature.

As I laced up my boots, I glanced at Silver, the realization dawning that I'd just slept with a member of the very pack we feared the most. What would Mom think if she found out? Would she have one of her mental breakdowns or worse? A wave of embarrassment washed over me, but I quickly pushed it aside. There were more pressing matters at hand.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone about... what we just did," I pleaded, desperate to keep our encounter a secret. The last thing I needed was for my fellow Hoods to know I'd slept with the enemy, especially after all the effort they'd put into hunting down the Ironfang Clan.

"Of course," he agreed, his voice laced with a hint of hurt. "I promise." But even as he spoke the words, I could see the offense flickering behind his yellow eyes. What was going through his mind?

"Thank you," I whispered, avoiding his gaze. There was no time to think about my feelings. I had to focus on reaching my grandmother and ensuring her safety.

As I put on my backpack, I turned away from Silver, trying to ignore the longing tugging at my heart. It didn't matter how much chemistry there was between us; he was still a werewolf, and I was a Hood. Our worlds were never meant to collide, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down around him.

"Goodbye, Silver," I said stubbornly, picking up the broken pieces of my crossbow.

With renewed determination, I tried to push past him and continue on my way. But before I could do it, Silver's grip closed around my wrists, bringing me to a standstill.

"What are you doing?" he asked, the grip on my wrists firm, but not hurtful.

Annoyance surged within me as I wrenched free from his grasp, spitting back, "Don't touch me!"

"What's the matter...?" he spat back.

"I need to go and my way is just ahead," I said, my voice strained as I clenched my hands into fists. "I need to hurry if your pack is nearby."

"But you're hurt," Silver argued, his eyes scanning me up and down as if assessing my ability to handle danger. "You don't even have your crossbow."

"Well, that's your fault, isn't it?" I snapped.

"Red, let me come with you. At least until you reach your destination," he pleaded, stepping closer to me until I could feel his warm breath against my skin. It was intoxicating, but I couldn't let myself be tempted again.

"No," I said firmly, pushing him away. "I can't trust you, Silver. You're one of them." The pain in his eyes cut through me like a dagger, but I steeled myself against the guilt. This was the right decision, no matter how much it hurt.

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