Chapter 11 A Lapse of Judgement

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The sun beat down on the colossal trees that towered above us, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and verdant foliage, a symphony of bird songs echoing through the ancient boughs. It would have been breathtaking and I would be enjoying it if I wasn't stuck with Silver by my side.

We'd been trekking through this endless forest for a whole day, searching for signs of the elusive silver werewolves around the hunting grounds. My heart hammered in my chest at the mere thought of facing more than one of those terrifying creatures. I could only hope that Silver was telling the truth and genuinely on my side – not that I had any intention of forgiving him anytime soon.

"Red," Silver finally spoke up, shattering the silence that had enveloped us for hours. "Do you plan on never speaking to me again?"

I scoffed, irritation flaring in my chest. "If I could, I'd never speak to you again, indeed."

"Ha!" He laughed. "Well, you just did."

Rolling my eyes, I quickened my pace, putting some distance between us. His footsteps crunched on the leaves and twigs behind me, infuriatingly close.

"Hey, if you think I'm upset about you walking ahead of me, you're wrong," he called out. "The view is much better this way."

I spun around, giving him a glare that could kill. "Pervert!" I spat before turning back and stomping forward.

As we continued our journey, I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift to Adriano. What had possessed Silver to hurt him like that? Even if he was right about Adriano being a werewolf, it didn't justify his actions. And despite everything, there was an undeniable tension simmering beneath the surface between Silver and me.

But I refused to give in to those feelings.

After a while, we decided to make camp. I busied myself with gathering twigs and dried leaves to start a fire while Silver collected branches and foliage for a makeshift roof and bed. The crackle of the fire was the only sound between us as it greedily consumed the kindling I had provided.

"Red," Silver began hesitantly. "What do you want for lunch? My treat."

I scoffed, my back still turned to him. "I can get my own food, thank you very much."

"Please," he replied, genuine remorse in his voice. "Let me do this... as a way of saying sorry for what I did to Adriano. It was wrong to treat your friend like that. Maybe I was blinded by..." He trailed off, clearing his throat. "The point is, I'm sorry."

"Fine," I muttered, finally giving up.

With a flicker of glee in his eyes, he quickly disappeared into the bushes. If he had been in his wolf form, I imagined his tail would be wagging happily. Despite myself, I couldn't help but smile.

Silver returned with two rabbits and a hare, along with a handful of mushrooms and berries. I watched as he took a pot from his bag, some herbs, and a few potatoes. He expertly skinned and cleaned the meat before setting to work on cooking a stew. The way his muscles rippled beneath his shirt as he worked, combined with the charming manner in which he brushed his tussled hair out of his face, mesmerized me.

He caught me staring. I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. The tension between us grew thicker, yet neither of us dared to acknowledge it. As Silver continued to cook, I found my thoughts drifting to places they shouldn't, fueled by my growing attraction to him.

After a while, Silver handed me a bowl of the stew he'd made, the aroma wafting up to my nostrils and making my stomach growl with anticipation. I hesitated for only a moment before taking a cautious bite. The rich flavors exploded in my mouth - tender meat, earthy mushrooms, and perfectly seasoned with herbs that coated my tongue in pure delight. For something created on the spot in the middle of the forest, it was... surprisingly delicious!

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