Chapter 7: An Unexpected Guest

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"Silver... what are you doing here?" I gasped, trying to process the sight before me. Silver was hunched over on my windowsill, his muscular arms supporting him as he struggled to catch his breath. His handsome face was twisted in pain, and a deep gash across his chest marred his otherwise perfect body. The blood seeped through his torn shirt, staining it a dark crimson.

"Red, please," he panted, desperation in his honey-colored eyes. "You have to let me in."

"Are you insane?" I whispered harshly, glancing nervously towards the door, praying that my mother wouldn't wake up. I hesitated, my mind racing with worry. What if this was all some elaborate trick? But the pain in Silver's eyes seemed so genuine, and the wound looked far too real.

"Okay, but you need to be quiet," I warned, opening the window wider to help him inside. "If my mom finds out I've got a wounded werewolf in my room... she'll have a heart attack."

Once Silver was safely in my room, I guided him to the bed, wincing as he grimaced from the pain. "Easy now," I murmured softly, my hands firmly gripping his biceps as I helped him to lie down on the mattress.

"Thanks," he gritted through clenched teeth, clearly trying not to make a sound.

I retrieved a knife from my desk and swiftly sliced through the remnants of his shirt, revealing his chiseled torso. Although I had seen it before, I couldn't help but feel weak in the knees at the sight of his hard pecs and perfect abs, not to mention the intoxicating scent that clung to his skin.

"Damn, Red," Silver smirked, despite the pain he was in. "That was incredibly hot."

"Shut up," I retorted, trying to focus on the task at hand instead of how much I wanted to touch him.

I quickly grabbed a medical kit from one of my drawers, knowing that time was of the essence. The wound couldn't get infected. As I opened it up and prepared to tend to Silver's wounds, I couldn't help but stare at the deep gash across his chest. It looked like something straight out of a nightmare – jagged edges, raw flesh exposed, and blood oozing from the wound. The fact that he had survived such an injury was a testament to his strength as a werewolf. And knowing their regenerative abilities, I could only imagine how much worse it must have been earlier.

"Alright," I said softly, trying to keep my voice steady. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to be quiet."

Silver nodded, wincing in anticipation as I began to disinfect the open wound. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, but managed to stay silent despite the obvious pain he was experiencing.

As I worked on cleaning his wound, I couldn't help but feel admiration for the way Silver was handling the situation. Not only was he dealing with the excruciating pain, but he was also doing so without making any noise, aware of the risk if my mom were to wake up. At the same time, a sense of pity washed over me; this nasty wound had clearly been inflicted by another werewolf, and the thought of him being attacked by one of his own kind saddened me for some reason.

Trying to reach his chest, I climbed on top of Silver, straddling his muscled legs. The moment my thighs pressed against him, my body betrayed me. I felt myself getting wet almost instantly, and I silently prayed that he wouldn't notice how my breath quickened. God, this man was unbelievably hot...

"Almost done," I whispered, more to myself than to him. My hands trembled slightly as I cleaned the wound, aware of the growing tension between us. I knew I had to stay focused, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as I was acutely aware of the warmth of his skin against mine.

"Hey," I managed to say, trying to distract myself from the all-consuming desire that threatened to overtake me. "What happened to you? Why were you attacked?"

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