Chapter 21: Under the Oak

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I watched as Ulrich studied me intently from across the table, his fingers intertwined before his face. "I thought you would know," he said cryptically.

"How would I?" I replied, my brows furrowing in confusion.

Ulrich's expression remained unreadable as he continued to observe me. Finally, he shrugged and muttered, "Never mind." I couldn't help but wonder why he'd say such a thing. What could I possibly know about turning humans into werewolves?

As if sensing my thoughts, Ulrich stood up and walked over to sit on his armchair. I followed suit, settling onto the nearby sofa. It was then he continued his story, his voice low and measured. "Skol believed I knew how to turn a human into a werewolf. The old Nightshade legends mention the Nightshades recruiting humans for their pack, turning them into werewolves. At first, I thought it was nonsense, but when the previous alpha of the Nightshades was close to death, he revealed the secret to me. There's an ancient way, almost lost, of turning a human into a werewolf..."

Ulrich's gaze lingered on me, allowing a silence to stretch between us that was both electric and nerve-wracking. My curiosity piqued, I couldn't stand the uncertainty any longer. "So, are you going to tell me what this secret is?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of annoyance.

A sly smile played at the corners of his mouth. "You can turn a human into a werewolf by making them ingest a certain flower during a full moon," he began, "and then biting them until blood is drawn. That's as much as I'm willing to say."

I stared at him in disbelief, wondering why he would trust me with such information so easily. Were his intentions pure? Was he truly a friend and ally to my grandmother?

"Until now, I've kept this knowledge hidden," Ulrich continued, his voice laden with solemnity. "I consider my condition as a werewolf a curse that keeps me separated from other human beings. I don't want anyone else to experience it. In fact," he paused, a look of determination flashing in his eyes, "if I could cure lycanthropy, I would."

As Ulrich's words sank in, I found myself studying him intently—his somber expression and the subtle tension in his posture. I had never considered that a werewolf could feel this way. It made me wonder, how would I feel if I were in the same position as Ulrich?

My heart ached for him, realizing that beneath his rough exterior lay a vulnerability that not many people had the privilege of witnessing. And yet, here I was, privy to his deepest secrets and emotions. It stirred something inside me, a sense of empathy and connection that I hadn't expected.

"I'm sorry I can't be more helpful," Ulrich apologized, his eyes downcast.

I shook my head and reassured him. "You've been helpful, despite the prisoner treatment," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Ulrich chuckled, but there was still a lingering sadness in his eyes.

"Go find Silver now," he advised me. "He probably could do with some company. And something tells me there's no one else he'd rather see..."

"Thanks, Ulrich." I smiled at him before turning to leave the cabin. As I reached for the door, he called out one last warning.

"Be careful around the other werewolves, Red. You're a Hood, after all."

I nodded, acknowledging his concern, and stepped out into the night.

The weight of sorrow and concern sat heavily on my shoulders as I navigated the shadowy paths of the Nightshade Clan settlement. The moon cast an eerie glow on the trees and cabins, creating a haunting atmosphere that seemed to echo my own emotions. My heart thudded against my ribs, keeping time with the rhythmic whispers of the night.

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