Chapter 29: The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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The room around me faded as my mind transported me back to that night in the forest. Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor where Silver and I sat. The air was cool and fragrant with the scent of damp earth and wildflowers. I remember how his sad grin tugged at my heartstrings as he spoke. "I bit a little girl as a cub," he said, his voice tinged with hurt and sarcasm. "But I did it because she was eating poisonous flowers. I hope that doesn't count."

I shook my head, snapping back to reality. Could it be? Was Silver the one who had bitten me? Who turned me into a werewolf? By the time it happened, Silver had been so young that it would have been plausible to mistake his bite for that of a dog.

As I realized the implications, my emotions cascaded over me like a waterfall. Confusion, shock, but also... relief. So many things in my life suddenly made sense. My love for the forest, my strength compared to other women, my impulsive nature, and the inexplicable attraction I felt towards Silver.

So this is what Mom had been trying to protect me from all along. She'd been keeping me from transforming into a werewolf. That's why I couldn't join the Hoods or have a boyfriend, and why she was terrified when I told her I'd be living with Gabriel. Was this the secret Grandma Beatrice wanted to reveal to me? It must've been! But why now? Why tell me now, when they had kept it hidden for so long? How could they live with a secret like that?

"God, this is so messed up," I thought, running my fingers through my hair. But even amidst the chaos of my emotions, there was an odd sense of calmness. At least now, I knew the truth about myself. I was dealt a crazy hand, but I would face whatever destiny had in store for me.

Suddenly, I heard something behind me and spun around. There stood Gabriel, drying his wet hair with a towel, wearing only a pair of boxers, his muscular chest glistening. Instinctively, I hid the key in my nightgown's pocket.

"Hey, Red," he said nonchalantly, "what have you got there?"

Gabriel's gaze swept over the scattered photos and papers on the floor and the open silver box. Surprise flashed across his handsome face, and I could tell he was taken aback by the sight.

He stepped closer, looking at the contents of the box on the floor. "How did you open that box?" he asked, trying to sound casual. But I caught the underlying tension in his voice.

"Is this box yours, Gabriel? Where did you get it?" I asked him, my suspicion growing.

He shrugged, feigning ignorance. "That thing? I don't know... It was just lying around in the house..."

"Really?" I retorted, standing up.

I slowly picked up the photographs and papers, my mind racing with questions. I sensed Gabriel was lying, but why? Could he really be hiding something from me?

"This box belonged to my grandmother," I said, eyeing him warily. The tension between us intensified, as if a storm was brewing.

"Did it...?" he replied, feigning ignorance. "Oh, yeah..." he added, suddenly pretending to remember. "I think you might be right... She might have given it to me. Let me see what's inside."

He took a step closer, reaching for the items in my hands, but I backed away, clutching them protectively. "If she gave the box to you, how come you don't know how to open it or what was inside it?" I asked, trying to hold my ground.

Gabriel stared at me in silence, his eyes narrowing. The moment seemed to stretch on forever, the air heavy with unspoken words. Finally, he pinched his forehead and sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Just give me the goddamn papers, Red!" he shouted, his face contorting into an awful expression I had never seen before. Fear gripped my heart, and I knew I had to get away from him.

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