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Wow, this really is happening... Compared to the things I've gone through, this shouldn't be surprising at all. If anything, it's probably the most normal thing to happen around here. While looking at the stars, I saw a little girl who appeared to be at the age of twelve. This lost girl seemed utterly confused and a little terrified, despite appearing like she was completely calm. Yeah, I can't just leave her alone like this... I may not be able to do anything, but I can at least try to give her some comfort. Besides, I'd feel like a horrible adult if I leave her like this. That's why I told her to turn around. Seconds after turning her head, she showed a ton of confusion. I could also see a hint of fear in her eyes too. It's not like I didn't expect it. I'm showing her my identity, so of course she'd act like that. Well, I don't have anything to really hide, so I'll tell her everything. I revealed my identity to her, and backed it up with a ton of proof. My overall appearance was already proof enough for her, but I didn't want to leave any doubts in her mind.

You'd think she'd be happy after learning about me, but she was actually a little disturbed. Again, nothing I didn't expect... Well, that doesn't matter. My goal is to explain the situation to her. Mainly, why she's here and how long she's going to stay. It wasn't too complicated. This girl brought herself here by pure accident, and she's not going to leave for a while. No matter how hard she tries to leave, that person simply will interfere every time she tries. Well, neither is at fault here, so there's no reason for me to blame anyone. I just wish the girl could've had a little warning before being randomly sent here.

After I explained everything to her, she was left with a little relief. She'll get to go home after a few hours pass by. All of that is fine, but what is she going to do in the meantime? All of my friends are asleep, so there's nothing we'll be able to do. There's nowhere else to really go, so we decided to just sit down and talk about stuff. This probably was the best option. This girl is having a once in a lifetime experience here. It would be too disappointing to meet someone like me and not learn anything about them. That's when I began to tell the girl about some of the adventures I went through. Of course, I couldn't remember everything. Memory tends to fade over the years, so some of the things I say might not be that accurate. Well, there's no need for me to worry. I'm sure she'll get the gist of it at least. After all, the only thing I want to do is share some of my fun stories with her.

After a few hours worth of stories, the girl began to leave the beach. As she was being sent back to her home, the last thing I did was ask her what she wanted to do from now on. I already had a pretty good guess, but I wanted to hear what she wanted to do...

 I already had a pretty good guess, but I wanted to hear what she wanted to do

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"I'm going to overload the world with fun!"

The girl vanished the second she finished the sentence. I was left with a smile on my face. The world will be overloaded with fun, even though there'll be disappointments along the way... Well, it's nothing she won't get over. After all, she is still Haruhi Suzumiya.

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