Chapter 2

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A psychotic and delusional cultist

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A psychotic and delusional cultist.

A psychotic and delusional cultist

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A cute and timid beauty.

A quiet and reserved bookworm

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A quiet and reserved bookworm.

These were the people I'd be stuck with for the next three years of my life. Not only that, but we all have to bend to the well of Haruhi Suzumiya in the process. Haruhi Suzumiya, the insane girl who believes she's a "goddess". Haruhi Suzumiya, the girl who created a cult under the appearance of a club. Haruhi Suzumiya, the one who forced me into this whole worshiper hunt.

You'd think she'd create the club for another reason... It could've been something like finding the supernatural and hanging out with them. Even though that's still absurd, it would've at least been a little more acceptable than this. No, that is not what it's about at all. The club is meant to gather Haruhi worshippers, mostly human beings who praise her for everything. The aliens, time travelers, and espers are supposed to help her with that. That is, if she can even find any. So far, all she's found is a bunch of normal highschoolers who'd rather not be involved with her schemes.

No one can stop her. She's a tyrant who's bent on making people worship her... She'll force you to do it regardless of who you are. Right now, we're about to see an example of that...

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