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My name is Y/n L/n. I'm my universe only Hell Spider but not only hero. My friend Eddie and Venom help me and Carnage to fight crime but let's start at the beginning shall we. I was born into the L/n family were someone has at least murdered one person, including me. I was at least one when my parents were murdered infront of my eyes for the crimes they had committed against the Apollo family. Stupid name I know, I told them that face to face but anyway I was sent to an orphanage to live in until the Brock family took me in and I went to school with my friend Eddie. I didn't want to get rid of my actual last name as it still hold something to me. Since I was really shy back then I never talked to anyone but Eddie. Then at the age of twelve I got my Spidey powers along with meeting Carnage. We then sought to rid our world of villains even teaming up with venom and Eddie. We killed every villain and people saw us as heroes until the day I lost everything. A demon army came to my universe and attempt to conquer it. After a big war that happened for three months, all citizens were killed, carnage is gone his remains are infused with my suit. Venom and Eddie died. The city gone, the people, the entire planet was rid of life just because of a demon army. I failed my universe but the enemy didn't win either. Both sides lost and I was left in a lifeless universe to do whatever. Until I was sucked into a small drift and appeared in New York City. Best of all it had life, people. Now I just have to find a way out of here.

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