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You went to your new apartment, courtesy of Captain Stacey. Thankfully it has everything you need except spider suits incase this one was destroyed in a fight. Your webs came out of you like Tobey Maguire's does so that was not a problem. The problem was however that someone had tried kidnapping you and they died to a shot from an assassin, sent to  kill him if he said to much. Scorpion was silenced but the mystery still remains. Why are villains trying to kidnap me? The unknown dude who was speaking through that robot did say that they are going after Ghost Spider. The thing is, I don't know who or where she is. So I'm in my apartment waiting  for Captain Stacey to call. The phone rings. Speak of the devil.

Captain Stacey: Hell Spider?

Y/n: Captain, you found her

Captain: no. We can't find her anywhere. My men have searched all over the city. Look I wish I could help further after what you told me but I can't. My daughter has gonna missing.   I need to find her.

Y/n: understandable Captain. If I find your daughter whilst finding Ghost Spider. I'll let you know

Captain Stacey: thank you Hell Spider

Y/n: no problem. Now go find her sir

Captain Stacey: good luck, your gonna need it.

Y/n: I definitely am

You walked towards the table where all the evidence is or just files on criminals who could of made the robot or who Scorpion had worked for. Either way, you needed to find Ghost Spider fast. Not once had she come to protect the city. Not once. Now Captain Stacey daughter is missing. Could be related to eachother  but who knows. Anyway I saw a file, it was Electros. In my universe he was a regular innocent citizen who had been experimented on by the Green Goblin to become the electric physcopath of a villain. One villain you wished you could help rehabilitate but both of you knew that wasn't an option. He told you to kill him and so you do. Right through his chest. You attend his funeral. A single tear rolled down your face.

Y/n: this world's electro i think could of powered the robot but who made it is unclear.

Then I see a file that catches my interest.

Y/n: Alan Wilson. He was a scientist who made robots to kill me. Then he wanted to become a God. Says here he was capture by Ghost Spider and put in prison. Good.

You flip through the file and look at all he has done.

Y/n: okay which prison? Says he is in, Black Stone Prison. Alright Let's go

Time Skip

Y/n: so which cell is he?

Guard: that one at the end of the corridor

Y/n: thank you

You getting inside the prison wasn't hard but not easy either. You had to do call Captain Stacey and he had to tell them to let you in. In all honesty it could of gone better. Now here you are, walking down a corridor where the answers must hopefully be. Opening the door, the horrid stench was the first thing to engulf your noise but you still went through into the room and close the door.

Y/n: hello Alan

Alan: who are you?

Y/n: my name is Hell Spider and from my universe you made robots to kill me. You do that in this one to?

Alan: yes but what do you mean different universe?

Y/n: silence only i am allowed to ask the questions. Now tell me, did you make this?

I place down the assassin robot on the bed and he has a looks at it

Alan: yes. I made it for Electro to power but he never came by to pick it up why?

Y/n: this was used to kill Scorpion. I need to who controlled it to do so

Alan: well by the looks of things, Electro powered this things

Y/n: Electro did?

Alan: i design it so only Electro could control it, start it up but if someone was to get the same amount of volts as him they could use that high voltage electricity to power it

Y/n: but Electro is how many volts?

Alan: at time of making this he was 8440.6 volts

Y/n: but no one can make that without  help or.....

Alan / Y/n: Electro himself

Y/n: you truly are a genius

Alan: i know

Y/n: thank you now good bye.

You pick up the robot and carry it out the room. You look down, saddened that you seen someone who is also dead in your universe. You take it away and go back to your hideout.


At home you pace around the room, thoughts going into you like a train. Was Electro kidnapped and force to operate this or did he join the mysterious man side? What about Ghost Spider? Did she get kidnap? and how come Captain Stacey daughter is missing to? You look at the window and see a reflection of your former self with Carnage. You missed those days. They were great but now those days can never be revisited sadly. Then you were knocked out. Your Spidey Senses not turning on and you fell unconscious on the floor. The dude over you was dressed in black and he had a sinister smirk.

???: you have lost. Hell Spider

There we go. End of another chapter. I knew I could write another one. Now I like to say this chapter was originally gonna be something else but it felt like I was rushing the story so I didn't do it and chose this and I'm not sure if I like this. I think its decent but hey at the end of the day it leads to something epic. I'll tell ya that. Now I'd like to thank everyone who has voted, added this story to a reading list and who has just reader this in general. It shows that you like my work and motivates me to do more chapters. Thank you like always and have a good day. good bye

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