Followed IntotheSpiderVerse

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So Miles had left the room and had gone to 'clean' his head as Peter B Parker has been saying. You highly doubted it. You had gone to sit on the roof where you saw something in the distance and had. In the living room, the rest of the Spider gang were chilling.

Noir: Purple.

Spider Pig: No.

Noir: Blue?

Spider Pig: No.

Gwen: Has anyone heard from Miles?

Peter B: Look, he's just clearing his head. I know the kid. He's got what it takes. I bet you he's gonna come back through that door recharged and ready to fight.

Miles: My uncle.

Peter B: Hey, where have you been?

Miles: My uncle Aaron, he's the Prowler.

Peter B: Slow down, Miles.

Miles: He works for Kingpin. He tried to kill me!

Noir: This is a pretty hard-core origin story.

Peni punches him in the shoulder

Peter B: It's okay. We're gonna figure it out.

Gwen: Were you followed?

Miles: No, I don't think so.

Then the door bell rings and opens up when a huge green tentacle comes through the door revealing Liv.

Dock Ock: Cute place. Real homey.

Aunt May: Oh, great. It's Liv.

Miles: I guess I was followed.

Gwen: Oh, no.

Peter B: Get out of here, kid.

Tombstone: You messed up bigtime, kid. Very sloppy.

Scorpion: (spanish) well look at these little spiders

Peter B: let me guess. You're Scorpion. Well, we're the Spider gang.

Aunt May: Would you mind taking this outside?

Noir: We don't pick the ballroom, we just dance.

Dock Ock: Ooh, I think I'll be taking that.

That's when the fight broke out. Liv used her tentacles to try and get the goober off of Peter and whilst she did that the Spider gang went to fight Liv and Tombstone. Scorpion went to Miles.

Scorpion: Stand, niñito, dale. Prepárate a morir.

Miles: Man, stupid pillows.

Scorpion striked Miles with his tail but he grabbed hold of the tail. Peni who watched this at the side got into her robot and started to beating the hell out of Scorpion. Liv is seen having a hard time getting her hands on the goober and has slammed Peter into the wall. Aunt May sees the damage and grabs her bat and hits Tombstone out the doorway and onto the pavement. Whilst saying take this outside.

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