Torture and Kidnaps

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We change the scene from Y/n to a base underneath the city. The base was a cave base. It had everything from torture chambers, to prison cells, to a lab table. Yet what would catch your eye would be the lab table as what stood beside it where pods containing a sentient goo like creature and there was many colours of them. Black, Yellow, Silver and Red.
Near this lab table however in his own pod was a screaming Electro. He was in agony as his electric powers where forcibly shot out of him and into a big box that looked somewhat like a battery. Two men walked passed him. A man in green armor with orange bombs and a man with four robotic tentacles. They walked through the place and into a corridor filled with prison cells and in one of those prison cells was Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider). She was chained to a bed in pain. She has been tortured in her time here and wants it to stop. No one will find her she believes and no one will save her from the experiments these men are doing to her.

???: Doctor Octopus, how is the subject?

Doc Ock: she is fine. She is in the condition we need her to be in Goblin.

Goblin: good start testing. The black one will do her good. The red well, we will save for the new spider. Have you got two more spiders yet?

Doc Ock: of course I have they are right here.

They moved out Gwen's cell and got infront of two cells that are opposite Gwen's.

Dock Ock: they are in these two cells

Green Goblin: okay. Proceed with the experiment but save the red goo for the last spider we need to hunt.

Dock Ock: okay

Green Goblin walks away and sees Electro and decided to taunt him.

Goblin: well well well. Told you would be in pain if you refused to join.

Electro: Ghost Spider changed me into someone better. Why would I join your group and throw my new peaceful life away?

Goblin: cause it would of saved you from this pain.

Goblin proceeds to press a button that made more electric energy go out of Electro's body which made him scream louder. Goblin only laughed like the mad man he is. After some time he stopped and put the machine back to its regular settings.

Goblin: this was fun but I got a call to make

Goblin went out of this lab and into a forest where he got on his glider and started flying through the night sky.

Goblin:*call* hey I have a mission for you Kraven the Hunter. Find that Spider and bring him back unconcious but alive. Got it?

Kraven:*call* it will be done.

Green Goblin looked down on the city and stared at the people who thankfully didn't notice him. He looked down and already knew that the time he would fight this Spiderman was growing closer and boy he couldn't wait.

Y/n pov

You woke up in this coffin that was in the ground. Using your strength you kick you and dig your way up. To see no one which was weird. Someone had knocked you out, put you in a coffin and disappeared. It didn't feel right but yet again what did. You were stuck in a universe that was not your own and already you are doing dangerous stuff. Fighting supervillains you haven't fought in years but as you took in the tranquility of the night. It quickly was replaced with explosions and fires as a orange grenade went off. Blowing wholes in the grass land. The attacker quickly fled of on his glider and you went to go straight after him but was tackled to the ground by a man. You kick him in the face and stand back up. You get a good look of his face and instantly recognize him.

Y/n: Kraven

Kraven: so you know who I am. Thats great. Then you know that I won't be that easy to defeat

Y/n: in my universe i defeated you once and haven't had to beat you since.

Kraven: this isnt your universe boy and I'm not gonna lose.

He ran at you and started punching, throwing in jabs and hooks. You block most but then he elbows you in the head and chucks you into a nearby tree. The tree falls down and Kraven charges at the tree and body slams you. He gets up but you have been through worse so you weren't giving up yet.

Kraven: how are you not unconscious yet?

Y/n: I've been punched harder. Bruised worse than this. I can take your punches but can you take my kick.

You go to kick him in the head but he grabs it and chucks you into another tree. He was weakening you. He throws a knife that barely misses you and he walks pass you to collect it. He walks back to you and stabs you in the hand.

Kraven: and here you say you been through worse stuff.

You were about to get up but he head butts you unconscious. You underestimated him. Even not holding back and you failed. It was easier with Carnage at your side. He could of taken him down. Kraven look down at you, disappointed you were taken down easily not knowing this was all apart of your secret plan.

Kraven: i did it. I'm taking him back to base now for the experiment

Green Goblin: finally the world can be conquered and we will rule the world. Not even Hell Spider could stop us and they say he was the strongest.

Alright. That is this chapter done now this was going to be something else so I had to rewrite this so it would carry on the story. I wish I could change last chapter but I'm not going to. Anyway thank you for voting, adding this story to a reading list and for just reading in general. I put this note in all my chapters because sometimes I forget to say thank you to the people who vote and that on my stories so this is something I can put so they know the notification I get has been seen. I appreciate it whenever you do it as it motivates me to write more chapters. Anyway thank you for reading and have a good day. Good bye

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