Cop and Spidey

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Y/n: (whilst eating your burger) You know, I haven't had any food this good in years, thanks.

Captain Stacey: no problem now let's get straight to the point, who are you? Where are you from? and Why are you here being the spider vigilante?

Y/n: straight to the point, i like it. Well I'm Hell Spider, I'm from somewhere thats not here and I'm a retired superhero.

Captain Stacey: retired?

Y/n: well where I'm from there is no more crime world and something from your world has brought me here. Probably a supervillain wanting to destroy the world but I saw on a build board that Ghost Spider has killed Peter Parker. You know him?

Captain Stacey: yeah, he was my daughter's friend

Y/n: well i believe, that i can put your Ghost Spider back on the right path as us heroes aren't suppose to kill and maybe in return they will help me get back to my world as I'm slowly but surely dying.

Captain Stacey: another world?

Y/n: yes, I'm from a different universe and I start (starts to glitch).... start to glitch like I just did. That is a clear sign that I'm probaly dying

Captain Stacey: and where do I come in?

Y/n: i don't like police, i don't trust them but in this new world i have to. If i am to survive i need some stuff like Food, Water and shelter which I hoped you could give me.

Captain Stacey: fine I guess I can help you but you need to teach our Spidey to not kill and fast.

Waiter: here is your check gentlemen

Y/n: your gonna pay for this right?

Captain Stacey: (sighs) fine


I'm at the warehouse, the crime scene of Peter's death. Yet there was nothing  here. I look up around the place but I feel like someone or something is watching me. Waiting for me to turn my back so they can get me. I turn around to having to dodge a tail. This green tail was complete with a stinger  and I look at the person who has attacked me.

Scorpion: well well well, look what we have here. Another Spider

Y/n: and you must be scorpion. Do you mind if I call you Scorp. Its better to say.

Scorpion: no. Why do you spiders always have to be so annoying

Y/n: I don't know. Do you have any suggestions on nicknames?

Scorpion then carries on attacking me. Barely dodging his stinger i decide to grab it. I spin around, his tail in my hand and threw him into a steel wall, the warehouse shaking and producing a massive noise. Now he is unconscious i webb him up. He was to easy, way below my league bucko.

Y/n: still need information from Scorp

I slap him until he wakes up.

Scorpion: Uhh what the hell

Y/n: hey you must be really mad but I will to, if you don't tell me what I want to know. Why are you here?

Scorpion: no.... I can't and I won't

Y/n:really (rips a hand off) now will you tell me.

Scorpion: i was sent to kidnap you

Y/n: how? you shouldn't even know im here

Scorpion: my boss knows what happens everywhere

Y/n: but why me?

Scorpion: he needs yo---

As Scorpion was about to tell, your spider senses went of letting you dodge out of the way of a bullet but it hit Scorpion when you moved. Leaving him dead. This enraged you, the Assassin went to run but you webbed them up. You leaped at them and holder them by the throat but it felt hard and rough.

Y/n: you work for his boss don't you

The assassin says nothing so I check it to see that underneath this lethal murderers clothes was a robot. Then it stsrted to speak.

???: Attention, Spider. I know you might be wondering why you are in this universe? or who I am? but -----

Y/n: skip to the important part please

???: fine. Me and my team are going to hunt you down and torture you. Were gonna savor every last bit of that experience until we broken you to the core. Before we do any of that however, go find your Spidey friend. She will not be alright after what's coming her way.

It switches off

Y/n: hello? Damn I hate villains like this. I don't even know the other Spidey, how'd he know I go to her. (I look at scorpion) right he was stalking  me.

I look around the warehouse one more time before calling Captain Stacey and telling him to come down here.

I'm gonna leave the story here for this chapter. Sorry it took a while I lost interest but hey I'm back. Anyway I thank you for reading, voting and adding this story to a reading list and I hope you have a great day. Good bye

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