The Sinister Six

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So Carnage was running away from the facility we had been imprisoned in and honestly. I hoped we'd get out of there without them on our tail. They were close behind, the three symbiotes were fast, really fast but luckily Carnage had gotten a head start. We were running away through the trees but a grenade exploded in front of us. It stopped us in our tracks and the symbiotes had caught up and started circling us as if we were their prey. Green Goblin came over head on his glider and looked down on us. Doctor Octopus came through the trees, his tentacles lifting him of the ground. Kraven the Hunter came running in as well. Another villain came in as well from the sky, that was Vulture. Rhino came rushing through the forest to the spot. Knocking down trees on the way and a green mist came in also. This was Mysterio. The Sinister Six looked at Carnage with a  hunger to have some fun and to destroy us. Carnage was not intimidated and neither was I.

Y/n: *mind* it seems the Sinister Six added a new member. After Scorpion died.

Carange: *mind* not someone who we can't win against

Green Goblin: surrender Spider and Symbiote. You can't win.

Carnage: might as well try

Green Goblin: fine. Then you will die

Carnage: happened once won't happen again.

Green Goblin: well see about that

Electro then zoomed out of the trees into the sky and started launching streams of lightning at the enemies below. Whilst the chase after Carnage was happening, you had signaled for the police to come to your position and Captain Stacey released Electro so that he could come to fight and get revenge against the Sinister Six and also help Ghost Spider as she did for him. This team up wouldn't be complete without a lot of police forces running to the position as well and firing at the villains and symbiotes. Vulture flew into the sky followed closely by Green Goblin and they went after Electro. Riot and Scream tried restraining Carnage whilst Venom throws punches and hooks at him. Carnage brought out his slimy tentacles and peirced them through Riots and Screams hands. They letted go and Carnage instantly tackled Venom to the ground. Releasing blow after blow on him until he is unconscious. Scream throws her hair around Carnages neck and keeps him in place. Whilst Riot started punching him in the stomach, bringing him to his knees.

Meanwhile with the cops, they were shooting and the villains, Mysterio, Dock Ock, Rhino and Kraven until Kraven lost interest and told the Symbiotes to kill the cops. Kraven wanted to fight his first Symbiote.

Y/n: *mind* hey bud when do I get a go at fighting?

Carnage: *mind* when I start and end  my fight with Kraven.

Y/n: *mind* fine

Electro was missing a lot of his shots as he was weak from all the torture done to him but thankfully he managed to shoot down Vulture before being flew into by Green Goblin on his glider. The glider had this massive spike at the front so when they collided it when through Electro's chest. Killing him. Green Goblin kicked his body of the gliders spike and the corpse of the redeemed man fell to the floor. Shaking the land and releasing a big electrical wave that paralyzed everyone except Green Goblin. The symbiotes all went back into their hosts. Kraven was the first to get up as the paralysis also affected the hosts. He saw you on the floor and picked you up by the throat.

Kraven: I wasn't allowed to kill you last time but I will this time.

He brought out a knife and went to strike it into you but Carnage had your back and transformed. Kraven grip quickly released and Carnage bit Kravens head off.

Y/n: *mind* no big fight

Carnage: *mind* I can't be bothered to and also in tired.

Carnage went back into you and all the other villains and cops got back up. Now when I say there is a lot of cops I mean there is a lot of cops. The Symbiotes transformed back and looked at the chaos and carnage that was happening. You ran up towards Venom and jumped on him and released a powerful electric blast that made him detach from Ghost Spider. When you were going to get Ghost Spider out of here, Riot and Scream attacked. Riot grabbed hold of you and it was Screams turn to deliver a beating. You released another electric shock, the same voltage as the one given to venom and it made Riot detach. Revealing a Spiderman from a different dimension.

You then turn your attention to Scream who before had been beating you up but now she was backing away  because of the speeding Rhino that charged straight at you from behind

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You then turn your attention to Scream who before had been beating you up but now she was backing away  because of the speeding Rhino that charged straight at you from behind. Thankfully your spider senses kicked in and you jumped over him. Then you released a web and pulled it down, bringing him to the ground. You land on his face and backflip off of it. You then look at Scream who you charged towards, shooting another web line and bringing her close to you just so you can shock her and make her detach from her host who appears to be a Spiderwoman.

The Sinister Six retreated and the villains who layed on the ground unconscious, Rhino and Mysterio were handcuffed and taken to prison

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The Sinister Six retreated and the villains who layed on the ground unconscious, Rhino and Mysterio were handcuffed and taken to prison. You walk over towards Ghost Spider and crouch down to check if she was okay. Thankfully she had no bruises or scratch marks. Her pulse is fine, same as the other two Spider heroes. Captain Stacey comes up behind you.

Captain Stacey: so Kraven and Electro are dead. Rhino and Mysterio are being sent to prison. Those Aliens are in these tubes, the government wants to have them but I feel like they will be better in your hands. (Passes them to you)

Y/n: (takes them off him) thank you Captain Stacey. For coming and helping me. I may not of known this world's Electro but he will certainly be remembered.

Captain Stacey: he always will be. How are those three?

Y/n: health signs are good. They are okay. Just unconscious. I'm gonna take them back to my--- nevermind thats destroyed.

Captain Stacey: down worry i have a spare place you can use.

Y/n: thanks once again

Captain Stacey: your welcome now get going.

And so you transformed into Carnage who used his tentacles to carry the symbiotes containers and the Spider Heroes and you went to your new residence.

Thank you for reading now I would like to say that this chapter was hard to write as I had barely any options for the members for the Sinister Six. I can't use Electro as he is a redeemed guy, Sandman in this universe has been cured and is doing good and Lizard well we know Peter turned into Lizard and Gwen killed him accidentally. I was originally going to use Shocker but  I do not understand his powers so I chose Vulture. Anyway thank you for adding this book to a reading list and voting and just generally reading my book anyway I appreciate it. Now thank you again and have a good day. Good bye.

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