Chapter 1

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—Start of Chapter—

I walk through the garden, spacing out yet again. I walk to the fountain and sit as I listen to the water splashing down. Currently, all the gods were having a conference. Though I am not invited, I knew what's as going on there. Every 1000 years, the gods would hold a big meeting to decide whether mankind can continue to exist or not.

Unfortunately this time, I believe humanity will stand no chance. I have experienced their cruelty first hand and yet, I still believed in them. I just believe wiping humanity out in one go is far too cruel. There are still many lovely humans down there, I just know it. And gods are supposed to bring them in the right direction, not destroy them. In my opinion, I believe the gods are the ones doing a poor job. However, I am now just a humble servant of those very gods. I no longer hold the power to interfere with the gods' decisions.

I close my eyes and lift my head to the glass ceiling. I open my eyes once again as I notice a butterfly slowly fluttering toward me. I stick my hand out and smile as the butterfly lands on my finger. More butterflies start to emerge from the flowers and soon, I was surrounded by a horde of butterflies.

"Hello pretty lady," a voice calls out. As soon as I hear the voice, all the butterflies quickly flutter away in fear. I look forward to see the god of deceit, Loki. "Greetings lord Loki," I address to him as I get up from my spot. "Ah ah ah~, don't you move little lady." I sit back down as I look at the ground. I'm definitely older than this man child, how dare he call me little lady.

"Ahh, that's much better. Hey, hey, wanna know something crazy?" He says as he sits right next to me, not leaving any space between us. I inwardly cringe as I answer his question. "Of course Lord Loki, it would be my honour." "We're going to hold The Ragnarok!" As soon as Loki says that, I shoot my head up and look at him dead in the eyes. "Are you being serious lord Loki?" He seems to have found my reaction funny and giggles a bit. "Of course little lady, a dumb little Valkyrie suggested it during the meeting. Quite bold of her, using such an underhand method to get those gods to agree." "Oh my..." This information was just too much to process.

"That's enough Loki," a booming voice calls out. "We'll be taking her for a moment." Both Loki and I turn to see that it was none other than the God Father of Cosmos himself, Zeus. Next to him was Hermes. I quickly stand to bow as I greet the two. "Greetings lord Zeus and lord Hermes." "Hahaha, no need to bow little maid." I slowly raise my head as Zeus commands.

Gosh, what was with everyone calling me little? I am 100% sure I'm older than these folks. Hermes gestures me to follow them as Zeus starts walking away. "Would you like to join the god's side in The Ragnarok?" Zeus suddenly asks me. "No, I'm afraid not. I am, and always will be but a humble maid. I cannot accept your offer, lord Zeus, as I am not a god nor a demi-god." Zeus laughs again and nods as he seems to have expected my answer. "Of course, you'd say that then I hope you'll at least attend to watch the battles." I nod in response to Zeus's order and soon after, he dismisses me and I walk to my chambers.


My walk back was never a fun experience. Many gods would trip me, and boss me around. Sometimes they would drench me with drinks and food they so happen to carry and force me to clean their mess afterward. I would always be a total mess when I enter my bedroom. I sigh as I start undressing to take a bath. I throw my clothes into the laundry machine that I got from the human realm and step into the warm bath water.

"Humans versus gods... it sounds so impossible but I'm sure Brunhilde has a plan. She's that type of Valkyrie, one who never gives up on their goal. Oh, Humans... humans..." I was starting to get sleepy so I quickly finish my bath and after finishing up the rest of my night routine, I jump into my cozy bed and quickly fell asleep.

—End of Chapter—

A/n: I will post this chapter first and if you guys want more chapters, I'll gladly post some more. There aren't many stories about RoR so I just decided to write one for fun. Hope you guys enjoy this! I already have drafts of the next few chapters so I will post them whenever you all want. ( ' ∀ ' )ノ Bye!

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