Chapter 4

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—Start of Chapter—

As everyone is stunned and frozen in shock by what has just happened. To be completely honest, I don't know if they're shocked that a human survived Thor's attack, or that a human could wound a god. "Hey, you're pretty good!" Lü Bu says to Thor. Wow, are there some sounds amplifying magic or something? I could hear everything they said on the battlefield loud and clear. "Bastard. That strength is wasted on a human like you." Yup... there it was, Thor's nasty personality.

"How strange." Zeus brushes his beard with his hand and Hermes looks at Zeus with worry. "ZEUS-SAMA! IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT HIM THAT INTERESTS YOU?!" Hermes shouts out to Zeus as I am forced to cover my ears yet again. "Something impossible has occurred..." Hermes shouts into Zeus's ears as he asks, "YOU'RE WONDERING WHY A MERE HUMAN! IS ABLE! TO KEEP UP WITH A GOD?!" "OH SHUT UP ALREADY! DON'T SHOUT RIGHT IN MY EAR!! I'M NOT SO OLD MY EARS HAVE STOPPED WORKING." Zeus shouts in response. Yup... I'm officially deaf. Why must I stand here of all places?

"There is that... but another issue is that he's up against Thor's Mjölnir. Any weapon made by man should've been destroyed in one hit. So that should be impossible... Manmade weaponry would never stand against divine... wait a second..." Zeus suddenly pauses as he sits up straighter to look in Brunhilde's direction. I follow his eyes to see Brunhilde smirking. Zeus strokes his beard with an amused face as he says "Hmph. I see your plot, Valkyrie girl." I try to think about what Zeus meant until Lü Bu's Sky Piercer started to release a blinding light. "Hm, as I thought," Zeus simply says as he looks at the spectacle. "What is that weapon...?!" Hermes questions as he blocks his eyes slightly.

Eventually, Lü Bu swings his Sky Piercer and Thor blocks it with his arm. All of a sudden, Thor's Járngreipr shattered into thousands of pieces. All the Humans, mainly Lü Bu's faithful army, cheer at this spectacle. But the only thing I could think about was how long it took for me to clean Járngreipr. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have put so much effort into Thor's request! Total waste of time! I turn my head to look at Hermes and Zeus as they seemed to have figured out Brunhilde's plan. "I see... so that's... the extent of their scheme," Hermes says as he places his hand underneath his chin. "Oh? You've noticed?" "What do you mean Lord Hermes?" I ask in confusion. Hermes suddenly pulls a doll out of nowhere as he begins to explain.

"The sworn duty of the Valkyrie is the guidance of souls. They descended upon the Earth, taking note of humanity's finest warriors, and leading them to Valhalla... where, in preparation for an assault against heaven, they formed an army of the gods. However, since ancient times, a certain rumour has been floating throughout heaven... it says that the Valkyrie's goal never was to form an army for heaven... instead, the warriors summoned to Valhalla bonded with the Valkyrie, and the Valkyries would transform themselves into the most fitting weapon for their wielder... and in exchange for the power of a god... the warriors would offer their very being..." Zeus quietly listens as Hermes suddenly twists and stretches the dol until it looked like a weird pointed stick. "That exchange was said to be called... Völundr. Hence, the souls gathered by the Valkyrie were granted the power to fight the gods... that is... the essence of this Ragnarok, correct?" 

At this point, Zeus was trembling in his seat, likely from excitement. "Yes... that's right... those pissy little girls... against us mighty gods... THIS IS A REBELLION!!! But... to think that the Valkyries... would seriously turn their blades on us... it's so... this is just... THE GREATEST THRILL I'VE HAD EVER SINCE THE BIG BANG!!" Hermes and I both have a frown on our faces as we stare at Zeus who was making really strange noises and looking straight at Brunhilde. I quickly lean behind the chair and tap Hermes on the shoulder. He leans back as he looks at me with a confused look on his face. I whisper, "Thanks for the explanation," and Hermes smiles in return. 

A sizzling sound overtakes the crowds as everyone stares to see that Mjölnir was... melting? As confusion overtakes the crowd, a loud thump is heard. Yes, I remember this part of the dream clearly... Viens suddenly pops out from the weapon. I flinch as I remembered how I meticulously cleaned Mjölnir... meaning I was technically cleaning a weapon version of Sleeping Beauty? Ugh, just the thought of that makes me shiver. As Zeus explains Mjölnir's backstory like it's a freaking character straight out of a novel, Thor picks up the hammer with one arm and lifts it up. "Human... no... Your name was Lü Bu, right? I have one request to make. Don't die on me now." Thor reveals the most charming smile you'll ever see on his face as Lü Bu simply gives a menacing look of excitement. These damned bloodthirsty warriors... they truly are alike... I wish to never be on the receiving end of their gazes.

—End of Chapter—

A/n: Only realized after I finished writing everything that I didn't really include a lot about your POV and it was mainly just about the actual manga so I'll change that next chapter. I was just too lazy to fix this entire chapter. (  ̄³ ̄ )~

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