Side Story 1

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Warning: swear words, implications of rape, and attempted murder

—Start of Side Story—

Late 17th Century BC
"I heard you were Dad's most treasured maid, but I don't see anything special about you." I was chained to a chair and had a towel covering my eyes as Adamas paced back and forth, I could tell by his voice. This guy's a fucking bastard, can I just kill this man already? I try to loosen myself by wiggling out of the chains but to no avail. "Even my youngest brother was interested in you... but for what reason? HAHA! Who am I kidding, I don't care what the reason is. If I get you on my side, Zeus will fall before me for sure. I'll make sure to make good use of you."

"Hey listen, I don't know what you're trying to do but I feel very uncomfortable. Could you at least not tie me to a chair?" The pacing stops and I hear him approaching me. "Hey girl, don't you want revenge on Zeus for killing dad? Why don't we join hands." "Yeah, I hate Zeus and PLEASE get me off this chair. My butt hurts a LOT." Adamas seems to have found my constant complaining far too annoying to which he finally moved me onto a softer surface. "Thanks! Now we can talk properly. What's this whole Zeus business again?" Except this time, Adamas doesn't answer me. "Hello?"

Instead of getting a response, I suddenly feel something on my lips. Adamas kisses me extremely roughly, making it hard to breathe. I kick him away with my legs as I say, "I know consent isn't a thing in this day and age, but couldn't you have warned me? I probably just lost 5 years of my life from that." "What does that even mean?" Adamas asks me with confusion laced in his voice. "Oh right... That's not a common saying here," I whisper, regretting my thoughts out loud.

Adamas seemed to pay no mind to what I was and instead focused on my body like a pervert. As he continues to explore my body, he gets interrupted by one of his servants. "Sir, the guest is here." Adamas clicks his tongue in annoyance and locks the door after he leaves. "Tsk... SCREW YOU! I HOPE POSEIDON STABS YOU WHERE IT HURTS!"

—End of Side Story—

A/n: I'm lacking motivation rn and I've been a bit busy these days. I'll post the actual chapter soon. Enjoy!

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