Chapter 5

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Start of Chapter—

I slightly turn my head to see that Hermes has taken out his phone. "Zeus-sama... Their roster has been decided," Hermes says as he shows Zeus his phone. "Ooh~ Let's see here... hm... would you look at that? Ufufu~ It seems I'll be able to enjoy this even more than I'd first thought. Ufu~" ... This crazy damned god needs to learn some self-control.

A loud woosh sound is made when Thor throws Mjölnir in Lü Bu's direction. His entire front is slightly burnt and as Mjölnir comes back to Thor, Lü Bu uses the Sky Piercer to dodge the hammer. Wow! Smart move! I approve, I approve. However, Thor easily catches the hammer and uses the speed that Mjölnir has to increase the strength of his next move. Hmm... smart move too... I approve, I approve! Lü Bu, unfortunately, got unlucky. He is somehow able to block the fatal attack but the bones in his leg split in half and soon after, the other leg as well. "Hermes..." "Yes?" Hermes replies. "Isn't it just wonderful...? To watch men fight and die...? Although, seeing him take Thor's might head-on... he's shown us something special... but the time is up... for that mortal body of his." Zeus grins as he strokes his beard again. Was this an elderly man's move or something?

Suddenly, the whole stadium hears a galloping sound as Red Hare enters the arena. He gently licks Lü Bu's wound and Lü Bu's army continues to cheer for Lü Bu to continue to fight. It may seem cruel, but it isn't like Lü Bu to just give up. He is the type of person to fight to the death, which is exactly what you're supposed to do here. Somehow Lü Bu does manage to stand up and jumps onto Red Hare's back. "Zeus-sama. Is that quite alright? What of the restrictions on it being a duel?" Hermes asks as we all look at Red Hare. "Such a tasteless argument. Take a look for yourself. That horse is already an extension of Lü Bu's own body." "That is true," I reply to Zeu's comment, "Their trust for each other is like no other. Even if it means looking at death itself, they will always stick together." Red Hare charges towards Thor as Lü Bu gets into another stance. Aha... sky eater... that technique was solely used by Lü Bu. The final swing; Thor's hammer or sky eater. How unfortunate this battle's winner has already been decided though.



Heimdall begins to escort Thor to the exit but gets interrupted by Red Hare. Aha... now I know what I forgot from my dream. The death of Red Hare and Lü Bu's army. I should probably stop it... right? Lü Bu's army appears in the arena and stands behind the horse. "Heaven or Earth, a land without milord... already holds no value to us... Men! We shall follow him!!!" Chen Gong leads the army toward Thor with full intent on dying. Thor was about to take another stance before I quickly leap out of my spot and landed in between the two sides. "STOP!"

Everyone turns silent and the army stops moving. I move towards Chen Gong and place my hand on his shoulder. "Please rethink your choices." He simply pushes my hand aside and continues to cry. "Without milord, we have no reason to live." I sigh as I think about what to say next. "You do. As the army who follows Lü Bu, it would be a shame if you all died here. Who would be able to remember all of his achievements and live on to tell the tales? After all, Lü Bu contributed soo much to humanity," I learn closer to Chen Gong and whisper something in his ear. He suddenly stops crying and wipes his tears away. "Fine. ARMY! WE RETREAT!" The members of the army start complaining but Chen Gong is able to convince them. "Keep your word maid, and we will forever serve you." Chen Gong says as he walks away. Red Hare looks at me with sadness in his eyes as I stroke his mane. "It's ok boy, I promise to take good care of you, ok?" The horse nods as he follows the rest of the army away.

I turn and make my way towards Thor. "I'll take him to the infirmary, ok Heimdall?" He simply nods as I usher Thor to follow me. I lead him through the masses of hallways before finally arriving at our destination. "Please take a seat, I will bring the needed equipment shortly." "I do not need medical assistance," Thor simply states. "Your body says otherwise." He sighs as he sits on the medical bed as I begin wiping the blood away. After cleaning off most of the blood, I reach for the bandage wrap and begin wrapping the large wound on his chest. "You're too close."

"Pft. Pardon me, Lord Thor but I believe I do need to be in a close distance to wrap your wound. My arms are far too short to do otherwise." I understood what he meant though. Whenever I reached around the back to loop the bandage wrap around, It was basically like I was hugging him. After finishing up the smaller cuts across his body, I do some more testing to see if anything else was wrong. "You're fine now my Lord! Since you're a god, Your cut will easily heal up in a day or two. The bandage is there to block out nasty bacteria until then."

Thor touches his wound and mumbles, "Lü Bu was a formidable opponent..." I smile at his statement and nod. "I agree, who knew there was a human that would go up against THE Thunder Berserker," I say in a teasing voice. "If he were a god, we could've fought for eternity." "Haha, I'm sure he would've liked that." Now that I'm super close to Thor... his body truly is amazing. I glide my hand across his muscles before he abruptly stands up. "I am leaving," He simply states before quickly disappearing from my sight. How unfortunate... his muscles were really firm as expected. I could've sworn he was blushing but it's hard to tell with his red hair covering parts of his face.

—End of Chapter—

A/n: Should I write an 18+ scene or just leave it to your imagination and skip it? I don't really know how to write 18+ scenes but if you'd like to see one, I could try writing it. There may be a spicy scene in chapter 7 and I have already started writing that chapter so please tell me as soon as possible. Thank you!

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