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I swear, I could kill them!  is the only thing that Sebastian think while driving to the meeting with the FIA. He's worried about the kids, but mostly his kids. They are only 3 weeks in quarantaine and they can't live like that anymore. Sebastian, who didnt told the FIA about his sons and partner, couldn't see them and is very worried about his sons. In this 3 weeks the older ones all got their 'kids'. The kids are basically the younger ones who are calling them after Nightmares or stupid things they did.

Sebastian and Kimi have everyone but especially Max and Mick. Fernando and Mark have Yuki, Esteban, Carlos and Stoffel as their kids. Lewis and Nico 'adopted' George and Lando. Daniel has Alex as his son and Romain and his husband have Charles, Lance and Pierre. Checo and Daniil have Nikita and Kevin actually should have his own parent.

As Seb drives in the parking lot, he sees that he is the last one to arrive. Lewis and Romain are already there. He parks his car and goes inside.

The moment he sees the face of the FIA worker he just thinks Damn! I wanna punch him in his fucking face!  But he controls himself and just nods in his direction.

"So, why are we meeting?" asked the worker. Seb already forgot the name so he just calls him Gideon. Gideon means 'The destroyer' so he thought that it would fit him.

"We need to talk about the mental health of some of the drivers." answers Lewis. "Oh really?" aksed Gideon surprised.

"They are calling us after having Nightmares and are crying and screaming like crazy!" Romain trys to explain.

"And?" is the simple and disrespectful answer from Gideon. Seb feels his anger coming up and after the depreciating look of him he he really has to hold himself back.

"Not my problem. They are over reacting" he says contemptuously. With that Seb explodes.

"Listen here you little shit! If you say that again I will kill you! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? Max is calling me in the middle of the night after nightmare over nightmare, having a panic attack. I just can watch him screaming, crying and begging that it stops! NOW I ASK YOU YOU BASTARD!! WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WOULD SEE HIM AND MULTIPLE OTHER DRIVERS LIKE THAT?? BECAUSE I DO NOT ACCEPT THAT!!" Seb shouts. The shouting continues and changes to VERY aggressive German.

The employee backs away, startled, and Romain, reassuringly and also out of caution, puts his Hand on Seb's arm.

Lewis looks respectfully to Seb knowing that now no one should disagree with him. Sadly Gideon knows that too.

He just akses "What do you want me to do?"
Seb says calmly "Put everyone in one house. Just like Christian Horner told us that it would be allowed."

"Fine" grumbles the scared man. Everyone in the world of F1 heard of Sebastian Vettel and his RBR era.

Seb just smiles. But its not the kind and happy smile that you know, it's an evil smile. Romain and Lewis look at eachother and just grab the arms of Seb with the hope they're strong enough.

"Why all this?" mumbles Gideon. Seb hears it and his eyes get a twinkle. "I'm just coming in and taking what's mine. Load the 45, their paying the price. Triple homicide, no mercy, no life. Bow down to the King!" he hisses menacingly.

"Time to go!" Lewis chuckles nervously. "You can do the house" the employee whispers.

"We would've done it anyway" grins Romain.  The three men exit the building and just look at eachother for a moment.

"Time to tell the rest" Seb smiles happy before going to his car and driving of after waving a good bye to the other two men. Lewis and Romain just stand there a little bit shocked.

They just drove home with the hope that they would never have to face an angry and protective Seb again.

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