CHAPTER 81 || A little bit chaos

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With happy singing and laughter, the younger ones reach a large empty lake. It is thickly frozen, but Mick carefully walks a few metres before he starts to drill a hole. When he still sees ground after several minutes, he measures the hole briefly and then nods. The ice is thick enough and the rest can go on top.

Everyone quickly puts on their skates and goes out onto the ice, where Max is already doing his rounds. He stops at a hut by the lake and opens it with a key. He goes inside and comes back with a gate. Another gate follows, as well as coloured markings that are rammed into the ice.

When Max, Mick, Val, Kevin and Hulk realise that the rest can't skate properly, they sigh and teach the rest to ice-skate for the next three hours.

Some of them fall down, but Val always says, "Falls are part of the game. Just like crashes. You don't want it to happen and yet you learn something from it."

But eventually they make it and the hockey sticks are fetched and the game begins. Since all the riders had hockey at school, they know roughly how it works and only individual things still need to be explained.

Max and Mick, and Kevin and Hulk are divided into different teams to make it fairer. Val referees together with Guanyu and the game can begin.

They play for hours and also swap teams so that everyone plays against everyone else. Also Kevin, Hulk, Max, Nikita and Mick against the rest. Daniil, who surprisingly cannot skate, became the goalkeeper of one team with Esteban, Alex and George the goalies of the other one.

When Valtteri gets the news from Lewis, he looks at the younger ones and weighs his head thoughtfully.

Mick and Nikita chase each other zigzagging across the field.

Max, Pierre, Yuki and the twitch quartet play catch.

Esteban, Lance, Danny and Tonio throw pucks at each other as if it were a snowball fight.

Fred and Robert have a sword fight with hockey sticks.

Lando, Carlos, Stoffel and Pascal play Tic Tac Toe with markers and of course throw them at the rest of the pack.

Arthur, Callum, Oscar and Logan just try to run over everyone they see.

Kevin and Nico have an actual snowball fight with Guanyu keeping score after having to run from Oscar. The latter now decides to join Kevin's team and throw snowballs at Guanyu, who flees to Nico. Checo also goes to Nico's team and Daniil goes to Kevin's, so it ends in chaos with uncontrolled snowballs flying in all directions.

Medium disaster is good  Val decides and sends that to Lewis straight away too.

The whole thing goes on for a good hour until it starts to get too cold for the younger ones and Lando is the first to ask to go back. Carlos quickly follows, as do Danny, Oscar and most of the others. Mick, Nikita, Daniil and Max can't understand, but agree.

So, tired and exhausted, they set off on their way back, which is slow going through the deep snow. Only after half an hour do they arrive at the hut.

There the already shivering drivers have to take off their ski jackets, snow whisks, boots, gloves, hats and scarves and shake them out vigorously to get the ice lumps out. They also tousle their hair. Since no one feels like wiping the whole house, the whole thing makes sense and the heavy boots are left right outside the door.

Inside, they put on jogging suits and snuggle up in warm blankets close to the fire, with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles. Tired from the day, the younger ones quickly fall asleep.

They forget what awaits them the next morning, 06.12.2020.

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