CHAPTER 66 || Hyper Max

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Max is drinking his Monster while standing in the kitchen when Jenson and Mark come in.

They look at Max, Max looks at them. They stare at the energy drink, Max takes a sip.

"You did not just do that." Growls Jenson. Daniel walks in, sees Max, and turns back around. "I'm outta this shit!" He shouts and runs out of the kitchen.

"Don't you dare drinking it!" Mark says warning. Max stares at him while taking another sip.

"And who's going to watch him?" Jenson asks.

"Definitely not me." Grumbles Mark.

"How about Charles? Surely the boy has no problem keeping Max under control!" Thinks Jenson. Marks starts to smile and slaps Jenson slightly on the back of the head while saying "I'm surprised you have more than 5 brain cells in there. But I agree."

Max attracts attention when he tries to climb onto the kitchen island and falls down again. Everyone looks at him, waiting. Will he start crying or not?

Probably the biggest problem is that everyone except Jenson, Mark, Pierre, Max, Lando, Carlos, Charles, Zhou and Daniel, and Lewis are not in the house.

So Jenson, Mark and Lewis are left alone with a bunch of lively kids. Fortunately, Daniel helps them.

How bad it really is, they don't know yet....

Because Zhou and Lando have also decided to turn to caffeine. Zhou drinks coffee in his room, and Lando only needs Coke.

By the time the elders have realized this, Carlos and Daniel are long gone and shopping, though unfortunately they won't find everything right away and the shopping will sadly take longer. Such a shame...

Jenson closes his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again, he sees Max drinking the next monster.

Pierre comes slithering in and exclaims "Oh. Ma. God! A very rare Max Vettel!" Jenson rises his eyebrows suspicious. "Oh come on Dad. You don't see every day Max drinking the Monster Specail Edition of Lewis Hamilton!"

Jenson just shakes his head in disbelief and drinks a sip of Kimis Vodka bottle. "All right, every kid will go outside and play on the background till you're tired." He shoos them out of the house.

So the kids run out and run to the climbing frame. There they start to play. Hide and seek, catch, race, and climbing games of their own devising.

When Mark looks in the evening, they are still playing. But it's getting dark and the oldest Australian sees the tiredness of the younger ones.

He calls them in "Dinner is ready boys. Come on in, it's getting late. You can keep playing tomorrow too." Only at the last sentence they start to move to go inside.

Jenson puts the food on the table and Carlos and Daniel also dare to come out of their hiding places. Dinner is noisy despite the few people present and Lewis is glad when it's over. Danny then gets the idea to turn on Finding Nemo and everyone falls asleep during the movie.

When Alex and Daniil, who had to shoot a video together for Red Bull, unlock the front door and peek into the living room, they see the younger ones sleeping peacefully. Charles and Max are cuddling, Pierre is lying on Jenson, Zhou is leaning against Daniel, Lando is cuddling with Lewis and Carlos, the latter is cuddling with Mark and his little Brit.

Mark and Jenson are talking quietly with Daniel and Lewis. Daniil hears out that it's about the old days. When Lotus was still racing, Jenson and Romain hadn't been together long, Nico was still at Mercedes and nobody knew anything about the big Brocedes War. When Jenson, Mark and Nando were still driving. How they all got together with their partners.

The Russian smilingly takes the bags from the other and sends him to the rest with a nod. When he returns, Akex is already sleeping peacefully in Lewis' arms, who smiles gently at him. The older ones greet the newcomer. He quickly fetches something to drink before making himself comfortable as well.

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