CHAPTER 61 || bike ride

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Riding a bike can't be that messy, right? Yah, you might have thought that!

The first big mistake is that Jenson, Mark, Nando, Romain, Seb, Lewis, Nico and Kimi don't come along because they have to prepare something.

So the supervision is left to Kevin, Hulk, Checo, Daniil, Valtteri and Danny.

The second big mistake is to take mountain bikes.

The third big mistake is not asking who likes to ride down the mountains with stunts.

And the fourth big mistake is not to look at the weather forecast again before the start.

Four big mistakes and four unprepared consequences.

When the 24 males drive off, Mark, Jenson and Romain look out of the window after them.

"Will it end in disaster? Probably." Grumbles Jenson.

"Will they come back with injuries? Yes." Sighs Mark.

"And will I be hoping for chaos to break out? Hell yeah!" Grins Romain broadly.

But then the last 3 also turn to the preparations. Even with the bike riders, everything is going smoothly so far. Everyone is laughing happily and talking in a good mood as they ride towards the coast.

Light wind blows and flutters through Oscar's fluffy hair as he suddenly sees an interesting turnoff.

"Wait a minute guys! There's a deviation here. Should we go this way?" He immediately calls the rest to attention as well.

"Sure, it'll be fun!" Daniel enthusiastically agrees with his compatriot.

Checo and Daniil look at each other for a moment before they start grinning and shouting at the same time "We're for it too!" Kevin, seeing his chance, nods in agreement and Hulk also gives a thumbs up.

So they all turn off and soon it gets bumpy and they go over a lot of roots.

For half an hour everything goes well. The trees rustle and the red and golden leaves from autumn shine in the afternoon sun. Every now and then leaves come off the trees and fall silently to the ground. They ride over narrow paths of earth, through tall grass over clearings, through trails and small bridges over streams. Everyone is quiet and admires the nature while driving while only the birds are chirping.

As they leave the big forest and drive on a country road, they start exchanging what they saw. Max turns to Pierre and Hulk shouts "Hands on the handlebars Max!"

Max sighs and turns back and takes the handlebars properly. Next to him Charles is driving and Max starts explaining everything the younger one didn't know and so the ride goes quickly up the mountains.

Just as they are upstairs, it starts to rain. But no one has rain jackets with them, so everyone starts to get wet.

So after a short break, they want to make their way back. In the meantime, it's raining terribly hard and a cold wind is coming up. "Okay guys, time to head back!" Roars Valtteri and all get on to cycle back.

But soon the first begin to freeze, because the rain still does not let up and the autumn wind, brings an unpleasant cold.

The group goes faster but everything starts to get muddy.

When there is a slope to go down, they speed up and Kevin goes down first. At the bottom of the curve his rear tire slips and he falls.

The others draw in their breath sharply and Nico carefully drives down to Kevin, who is now getting up.

Nico pulls him up and examines the completely filthy Dane. "We have to hurry or Kevin will get all sick!" He shouts upwards and the others slowly come down.

So again all start to trample. This time, however, briskly and without slowing down for animals. They drive through the muddy forest paths and also through the one or other puddle while it is still raining and the wind whistles around their ears.

Valtteri calls Lewis while driving and informs him about the current situation. The latter can only shake his head at the others.

When they reach the dam they are soaking wet and everything is sticking to them and is muddy to boot. The dam has been freshly mowed and the drivers stir up the mown grass.

The upshot is that they now look like a breaded cutlet.

The last kilometers become thus the agony and when they stand finally before the house, they have still in addition pebbles of the driveway at the stupidest places, mostly in the hair or in the spokes, which is why Stoffel had fallen down.

In thick jackets, the hood pulled deep into the forehead, the 8 men who remained in the house stand outside, armed with garden hoses.

All riders have to get under the hose in the cold before they are let in. Kevin is luckily one of the first and rushes up with a "I'm definitely showering first!" Upstairs.

Shaking his head, Hulk follows him into their room and when he sees Kevin getting a bath, he asks "Can I take a parallel shower?" Kevin nods, not really listening, and grabs a towel.

Max was the first to be let into the house, so he has water poured into the bathtub while he takes a shower and gets out of it in time to let Charles have the tub.

2 hours later the last ones are done and everyone meets in the living room where they cuddle up with hot cocoa and cookies and watch movies while outside the rain is slapping the windows and the wind is pulling the leaves off the trees.

📍 ❤️‍🩹

@Stoffelvandoore: Good night mijn lieveling ❤️  @pascalwehrlein

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@Stoffelvandoore: Good night mijn lieveling ❤️ @pascalwehrlein

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Next chapter :)

The next days won't come new chapters because I have to write a fairy tale with 25.000 words for German lessons

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