Chapter 2|| A monster within mundanes

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When your father lost his job, life went from bad to worse as he struggled to make ends meet. You had no choice but to quickly learn to look after yourself as you took to the streets in search of food.

After your mom left it was just you and your dad.

It didn't really matter than she left, it was just that weird and unexplainable things started happening after that.

There was no letter, no explanation, it was just like she vanished. Like she never existed.

After a long day of scavenging, you return to the apartment to find it boarded up, an eviction notice nailed to the door. You knock on the door, trying to convince yourself that your father wouldn't leave without you, but deep down you know he has. You walk around to the back of the apartment, climb up onto the hot water system, and push open the toilet window, knowing the latch is broken.

"Please, somebody."

There's no sign of your father, though his wardrobe is open, and several hangers are bare.

You turn to your own bedroom and gather the warmest things you can into a backpack. You layer on the clothes but as you leave, you go to the closed door that once was your mother's study. You were never allowed in before, but now there is no one to stop you.

You open the door. It takes you a moment to overcome the mustiness before you turn the light on and step inside.

There's not much to see, just a desk with a computer and several mismatched bookshelves, all coated in thick dust.

You walk over to the desk, where you see a book of matches on top of a notepad with something written on it.

Wiping away the dust, you find your name. You frown as you pick up the book matches and open it, seeing only one has been used.

You slip the book in your pocket, certain the matches will come in handy in the cold. You climb back out of the window and walk around to the front of the house.

It's probably nothing. Right.

3 years later

Freye blinked away the last remnants of her tears, her reflection distorted in the cracked mirror in her apartment.

It was the last of what she had after she sold stuff for money, she kept what was most important to her and her parents. She had been living alone for the past years not knowing anything about her parents.

The sobs had come without warning, an unbidden storm unleashed from the depths of her soul. She couldn't quite remember why, her mind only registering a deep ache and overwhelming sadness.

The secrets.

The man in her dreams.

And magic. She was a witch with no guidance of what she should and should not do.

Glancing at the clock, Freye gasped as she realized it was already six in the evening. She hastily tossed on a black dress, its simple elegance a stark contrast to the turmoil within her.

Tonight, was meant to be a celebration - the last day of college - and she refused to let her inexplicable melancholy ruin it.

Joining her friends outside NYU, Freye plastered on a smile, determined to push aside the shadows that threatened to consume her. They piled into a taxi, laughter and music filling the air as they made their way to an all-ages nightclub downtown. The pulsating lights and pounding rhythm did little to quell the unease that gnawed at her insides.

As the night wore on, Freye found herselfimmersed in the chaos of dancing bodies and enchanting strangers. It was in thedarkest corner of the club that everything unraveled.


"Hey, did you guys hear that." You asked, fear gripped your heart.

Something was wrong, very wrong.

"What are you talking about Freye."

"There's nothing there."


"No, there it is again." she said wondering if it was all in her head. 

"You're worrying too much, it's our celebration, come on live a little." she hugged Freye and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Yeah, it's probably just that." A flash of silver, a gasp, and then chaos erupted. Panic surged through her veins as she saw her friends being dragged away, torn from her grasp.

The screams, it was a shrilling sound that she would never forget. "I'll be back, I have to go to the bathroom." she said, moving closer to the sound not sure if this was even safe.

You're a witch damnit! Use your head. 

Then she saw it, the woman was dying. 


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