Chapter 6|| I found.

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Elide and Cassian's argument had left the pack house feeling tense. Freye was doing her best to remain composed, but as soon as the two of them were alone in the library, she unleashed a tirade about how their Alpha was being unreasonable. 

"He might be an alpha, but he is also my brother," Elide said in her defense. 

"He screamed first, plus I used magic to repair the damages." 

"OfCourse, you did," Freye replied sarcastically. 

"Hey, you said it yourself that you just met him a few days ago and now you're taking his side. He doesn't even spend much time with you!" 

"The sibling bond is there."

"Fuck siblings, I'm your best friend."

"Now go on, let's get out of here." She could feel her heart thudding against her chest as she walked away from the library. 

Every sound seemed amplified - her footsteps echoed throughout the house, and you felt weighed down by anxious thoughts. Freye returned to her room and collapsed onto the bed, desperately trying to sleep, only for the mystery man's face to flash through her mind. 

Her body tensed instantly, Freye quickly got up again and headed towards the bathroom. She slapped her face and splashed cold water on her face to calm herself - fear and anxiety tingled through her veins at the thought that he may have found his way to her, whoever he was.

 Eventually, you returned to your room and tried to fall asleep – only for his face to flash in your mind, prompting you to jump out of bed and go brush your teeth. Despite splashing cold water on your face, it did nothing to quell the impending dread.

As she cleared her mind she fell into a dreamless sleep.




Cassian's heart felt like it was going to burst as he remembers this night, he was just a young boy, a tragic fate be cursed without a mate in front of his own pack. He had been so close to finding someone special and yet now all hope seemed lost. They could still feel his disappointment even though he managed to keep his emotions hidden from everyone except her. 

His own 12th birthday, a night he will never forget. 

The day he was cursed, and the night before their Luna had left.

Ever since a small pup, Cassian was one of the many who relished the thought of a mate of his own. Someone to love, to cherish, he wanted to love and to be loved by someone that complete him. 

The child's eyes were filled with desperation as they pleaded for understanding, but no one moved to help him. Cassian's face was a mask of rage, his eyes blazing like fire. Freye watched from the sidelines, too little to understand and intervene. She could sense her brother's fear radiating off of him in waves and she wanted to do something to make it stop, but she was powerless against the wrath of the curses. 

His love for his mate is like the wolf's love for the moon, howling in the midnight sky for a soul it longs to touch. He would love his mate with every being he has; he would give her the world if she asked for it. And yet he'll be alone, without a mate by his side. 

"I don't need you to light up my world, just sit with me in the dark, where the magic of our life lives."  the child pleads down on his knees for the moon to grant his wish. 


"Don't take my mate away from me."

Tears ran down his cheeks as he begged and pleaded, but still no one moved or made a sound. Finally, when their parents failed to appear in time, Cassian bellowed in fury and struck a powerful blow that faded into nothingness. In that moment, Cassian had lost himself.

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