Chapter 3|| Fight or Flight

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Freye's eyes fluttered open as she regained consciousness. The stench of dampness filled her nostrils, and the cold, hard floor beneath her sent shivers down her spine. She groaned, realizing she was in a dark basement, the room devoid of any light or windows. 

Panic seized her chest as she scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her ears.

Her hands ached, her throat burned, she needed water. 

She tried to recall how she ended up here, but her memories were fuzzy. Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The murder. The kidnappers. But it was all a cruel twist of fate, a nightmare she couldn't escape. She was just an innocent bystander, caught in the midst of someone else's darkness.

With a warning glare, the man left, promising there would be consequences if she didn't comply. Left alone, Freye fought against her restraints, desperation fueling her struggle.

And then, an unexpected visitor crept into the room. Small and impish, the creature carried a laptop and approached her. 

It was her laptop from her apartment. No! Anything but that. 

Its beady eyes gleamed as it opened the computer, displaying a series of charts and photos. Looking at her with a toothy grin, it hissed, "Here's your answer, kid, but it. You are content and loving your life that you've always wanted, having to venture away from your home only once a month for your sophomore college."

"Don't touch me." she hissed at the creature.

This was not how she was supposed to spend her night, she was supposed to leave for Canada, not be a captive. 

"Interesting, interesting indeed." the man, it... the creature's voice was of a taunt. 

This was not a kidnapping, but more of a beast playing with its prey. 

She started trashing around as he placed the laptop on the floor, a syringe in hand. "NO, NO NOT THAT, GET IT AWAY FROM ME!"

"Nighty night human."




As Freye regained consciousness, her head throbbed with a mixture of pain and confusion. Blinking away the haze, she tried to sit up but realized her hands were bound. Panic surged through her as she looked around, finding herself trapped in a dimly lit, run-down dungeon.

She had passed out again. 

The last thing she remembered was being injected by a syringe and passing out. Feeling completely worn out and weak she felt as this was her last moments. Tears pooled in her eyes, it burns, but it was the last she would feel like this. 

It's unfair.

"What's the use of magic when I can't even use it." she whispered to herself.

She was not expecting to be saved, like not at all. But someone came for her, she's saved. 

A masked woman who had burst into the room. The woman had assured her safety before disappearing into the shadows, leaving Freye all alone in this terrifying place.

Fear gnawed at her, but a surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins. She felt a strange power stirring within her. It felt primal, untamed, and she didn't know how or why it was there. In the darkness, a man's voice echoed through the dungeon, his footsteps nearing her cell.

Driven by sheer instinct, Freye tapped into this hidden well of power. Sparks of energy crackled around her fingertips as she conjured an electric bolt, aimed precisely at the lock securing the cell door. The lock sizzled and melted under the intense surge.

As the door swung open, the man lunged at her, wielding a knife. Freye's mind blurred with sheer terror as he advanced. Without thought, she unleashed her newfound abilities, a surge of magical energy blasting from her hands, engulfing the man in a blinding light.

When the light receded, Freye stood, her body brimming with an intoxicating mixture of awe and dread. She had killed the man with her magic. A shriek choked in her throat, and tears streamed down her face as she stumbled out of the cell and into the unknown.

Suddenly, a surge of energy surged within Freye, causing her body to react instinctively. Without thinking, she unleashed a powerful blast of magic, shattering the chains that bound her. The shock on her face mirrored that of the guard who had been approaching her, his intent clear.

As the guard collapsed to the ground, lifeless, Freye's mind raced. What had she just done? The realization scared her, but in this moment, she only felt the desperate need to escape.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Freye sprinted towards the towering iron door, slamming against it with all her might. It barely budged, but she refused to give up. Over and over, she rammed her shoulder into the door, until, finally, it creaked open.

Daylight spilled into the dark dungeon, blinding her momentarily. Squinting, Freye surveyed her surroundings, spotting the dense forest ahead. It was her only chance at survival.

With her heart pounding, she made a mad dash toward the welcoming shelter of the trees. Branches whipped past her, scratching at her arms as she pushed forward, fueled solely by fear and the desperate hope of finding others.

After what felt like an eternity of running, Freye finally emerged in a small clearing. The birds chirped overhead, oblivious to the turmoil that had consumed her life. She sank to her knees, chest heaving, tears streaming down her dirt-streaked cheeks.

Just as she began to catch her breath, a figure stepped out from behind a tree, filling her with a jolt of both relief and trepidation. It was the woman who had saved her, the masked savior. Freye's heart skipped a beat, taking in the woman's presence once again.

The woman approached slowly, her eyes filled with worry and concern. With a gentle touch, she moved to remove her mask, but before she could even blink, the woman was gone. 

She knew that they would meet again, and when they do, she would remember her eyes. The look of death mixed with a look of the devil in her eyes. 

I can't just stand here. I have to seek shelter. 

She thought to herself. 

Seeking refuge, Freye sprinted into the woods, her only thoughts centered on survival. Branches whipped against her skin, and her breath came in ragged gasps as she desperately searched for any sign of civilization. Her mind whirled with questions, the reality of her situation crashing down upon her.

This whole situation was messed up, hell even her whole life is. She didn't know what to do. How to cope, she might die tonight without even knowing why her family left her. 

As she ran, the darkness of the woods seemed to swallow her, but she clung to a sliver of hope. She knew she had to find others who could help her navigate this perplexing world of demons and monsters. It was a fight for her life, and she would not.

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