Chapter 5|| Bones

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As the days passed, she slowly learned more about the supernatural world she had been thrust into. Living her life with her mother she thought that all along she thought she was human, and yet she turned out to be a witch. 

Witches had covens, and those covens are hierarchical just as werewolf packs, a coven acts as a large organization or an extended family, offering support and protection to its members, but it's also administered by strict rules of conduct that lead to severe punishment those who transgress the rules, especially among her brother's territory.

Werewolves makes packs and are loyal to one another. Werewolves are very similar to witches when it comes to their own kind. Unlike vampires, werewolves have an unwavering sense of loyalty, and will often bond with other werewolves they meet. They form packs and work with each other as sort of an extended family. The bond of loyalty between werewolves is so strong that while changed under full moons, the only beings they do not attack are other werewolves.

Cassian helped with her learning about their world, her world. She discovered that witches had their own covens as well as hierarchies just like werewolves - the pack she was in is the Obsidian. Cassian, he was the alpha of his pack, and his careful guidance and protection offered support and safety to its members. 

However, it wasn't easy in this territory, for witches weren't brave enough to create covens here. In spite of the strict rules of conduct and hefty punishments for those who go against them, the loyalty between werewolves was undeniable. On nights with a full moon, they transformed into beasts yet never attacked one another. Instead, they formed packs and became an almost familial.

Her brother was a werewolf, and she was a witch. Twins at birth, yet polar opposites. 

Cassian and Freye had different fathers: His was the alpha of their pack, while hers was the man she considered her father. But the former alpha never harbored any ill will towards Freye's existence; he loved her like his own daughter. 

He called her his "little princess" and told her that their mother had mated with her human father while pregnant with Freye. 

Cassian revealed to her that he was, in fact, her older brother. Despite this unconventional start to their family dynamic, the former alpha never held anger or resentment. He accepted Freye as his own, and even after their mother was forced to flee for fear of retribution from the Council, the former alpha promised that she would always be his last.

Freye was taken aback when members of the pack welcomed her with open arms - something she had never expected from the pack her brother belonged to. 

Of course, with his place as Alpha, she knew he would have little time to spare for her. The thought made her chest ache a bit, but she did not mind being alone in this foreign place - especially since Cassian had given her access to their library. 

"You're my sister so it'd be fine if you have it to yourself." 

The library was a breathtaking sight - magnificent marble columns lining the walls, intricate frescoes on the ceiling, and bookshelves stretching on endlessly in all directions. She marveled at the immense wealth of knowledge contained within its walls, ranging from literature and romance to mythology and mystery. 

Every language imaginable was represented here and Freye could almost feel the spellbinding power emanating from between its shelves. 

As she moved deeper into the winding maze of bookshelves, there seemed to be an invisible force guiding her towards a dusty old book tucked away on one of the farthest shelves. The book seemed to call out to her and without consciously realizing it, Freye opened its cover and immersed herself in its stories.

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