Chapter 4|| A revelation in the forest

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Freye took a deep breath as she continued to wander through the dense forest, her green eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of escape. Endless trees stretched out around her, and a sense of unease settled in her bones.

Something wasn't right.

Just as she felt the urge to stop, three wolves emerged from the shadows, their fur blending seamlessly with the dark forest. One was a light brown, the second a rich chocolate shade, and the last a striking grey with ash colors. Their eyes flashed a dark hue, and it sent shivers down Freye's spine. 

What were they doing?

Her legs trembled beneath her, her strength depleted from days of searching for a way back. Fear washed over her, but she could still sense a flicker of curiosity within her. Were these wolves trying to communicate?

"State your business, witch." growls and scowls were seen from their faces, these people, these wolves lived amongst one another. 

No, they are wolves themselves. 

Her heart was beating faster, she needed help. 

Witches, magic, and now werewolves. 

Before she could make sense of the situation, a man appeared, stepping out from behind a tree. He bore an uncanny resemblance to her mother, causing her heart to skip a beat. Confusion clouded her mind as she observed the man, his features mirroring her own. His eyes, just like hers, were a vivid shade of green.

"W-who are yo-you?" Freye stammered, her voice laced with both fear and curiosity.

The man's expression softened, his dark hair falling gently over his ears. "Impossible," he said, his voice steady yet filled with emotion.

"We thought...we thought you were dead."

This man is crazy. This is their first meeting and he's already talking as if he knows her. 

"Step back!"

"Freye, sister please." he pleaded, his eyes showed concern. 

"What the fuck." she was agitated, scared out of her wits, and now confused. She wasn't his sister. 

Freye just stared at the man, his eyes are the same as her own and when she looked at his hands, his fingernails were clawed like a werewolf. And she could feel his presence, he was surely not a normal wolf, no not even close to it. 

His appearance screams power, his aura radiating fear and respect. 

"Werewolf." she whispered. 

She screamed, she screamed for her life, for the pain. Flashbacks and splitting memories come back to her, it was when she was a child, and she was spending her time with her family. Her mother, a man she calls dad but is not the one she knows, and him, her older brother, her twin.

"Brother, brother let's play!"

"Not now Ray." her brother said as she tugged on his shirt, she was about to cry and the reason would be her brother. 

"No, please don't cry baby sis. Uhhh...I- I guess I'll play with you."

She rolled her eyes when her brother's face had turned grim, he had alpha training yet here he was playing with his sister.

Everyone loved her, the Obsidian princess. 

The splendor before her eyes left little Freye breathless, a vaulted ceiling painted with scenes from an ancient tale; tapestries that stretched across three walls depicting tales of heroes long dead.

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