Chapter 10|| Love to Hate You

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Cassian was not the same wolf he used to be. Once known for his gentleness and mercy, he had transformed into a creature fueled by ruthless determination. As the Pack Alpha, he had a duty to protect and preserve the unity of his pack. In order to achieve this, he adopted a new mantra: to cherish his pack members above all else.

It had been only a few days since Cassian's beloved sister, Freye, had found her mate. He couldn't help but feel elated for the young couple, witnessing the pure happiness in their eyes. His sister's radiant smile, once a rare sight, now bloomed unfailingly. Selene's bond with her mate had further ignited the fire within Cassian, compelling him to embrace his newfound ruthlessness. Cassian's pack admired and respected their Alpha's unwavering commitment to their collective well-being. 

They had witnessed him relentlessly vanquish any threat posed to their unity. Yet, they also realized that Cassian's devotion had limits. They understood that Selene, despite her new status, was not immune to their Alpha's merciless nature. In the heart of the forest, where the pack made their dwelling, Cassian prepared for the upcoming full moon night. He sought solace in the moon's gentle glow, finding clarity within its ethereal light. 

His packmates stood at the edge of the clearing, awaiting their Alpha's orders, their unwavering loyalty burning in their eyes. Cassian's gaze shifted towards Freye, who stood a few feet away, entwined with her mate. The couple's love was evident in their every touch, laughter, and exchanged glances. Cassian's chest swelled with satisfaction, knowing that his sister had found her happiness. However, a deep-rooted fear lingered within him - the fear of what he would do if he were ever forced to harm his own flesh and blood. His past, though shrouded in secrecy, held unspeakable pain and suffering. It had shaped him into the formidable Alpha he was now.

The pack's trust in Cassian was unwavering, but they were not blind to his internal struggle. They knew their Alpha, with his newfound ruthlessness, would never hesitate to sacrifice anything for their safety. 

Yet, if faced with a situation where he would have to confront his sister, Cassian knew that his immense power as a king held no sway over the love he bore for Freye. As the moon reached its zenith, a distant howl filled the night, piercing the tranquility of the forest. It served as a solemn reminder to Cassian of his responsibilities - the pack's safety came first, even at the cost of his own happiness. He turned towards Freye, his eyes filled with unwavering determination.

 "Protect her with your life," he commanded his loyal pack members, their unified response echoing through the trees. Cassian's heart ached as he watched as Freye and the King retreated deeper into the forest, their silhouettes slowly fading away. He knew that if he ever caused his sister pain, he would pay the price, whether he wore the crown of a king or not. 

In that moment, Cassian made a silent vow to himself. 

He would strengthen his pack, build an impenetrable fortress of loyalty and devotion, ensuring that no harm would ever befall those he cherished. Freye, his beloved sister, would forever be protected, even if it meant suppressing his own desires of a mate and accepting the reality of his ruthless nature. For Cassian, the weight of responsibility was not a burden but a privilege, a testament to his unwavering love for his pack.




Hate was a small word to express what she felt towards Cassian Cromwell. She DESPISED him. With his cocky attitude and how he thought he was untouchable.

She was lying on the floor, just like them she was tortured. Many of them were begging for them to end their lives, others forsaking him as alpha when none of them deserves this. They are shaking and wheezing, all covered in blood and dirt. The only thing that keeps them alive is the sheer determination not to die in that cold, dark, miserable place.

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