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Lucien began to recount his past, the events that had led to his ascension to the throne. Lucien was a King, and so he spoke of an influential and corrupt council, who had orchestrated the deaths of his parents, aiming to gain control of the kingdom. Lucien had been forced to defend himself, eliminating those who threatened his rule. Tears welled up in Freye's eyes as she listened to his tale of betrayal and survival. She saw the torment in his eyes, the burden he carried. Suddenly, the doubts that had plagued her began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound understanding.

Before Freye could utter a word, the room fell silent.

All eyes turned towards the entrance, where a group of rebels, survivors of the exiled opposition, stood defiantly. Their leader stepped forward, his eyes blazing with hatred for Lucien. In a voice filled with vengeance, he declared, "We will not rest until we dethrone the murderer that sits on the throne. And we will start by taking his mate as our hostage."

Freye's heart pounded, fear mingling with determination. She stood tall beside Lucien, her voice strong and unwavering. "I am not a hostage. I am here of my own free will, and I stand by my mate. "The rebels sneered; their eyes filled with disbelief. But before they could make their move, the Nicodemus Alpha stepped forward, their gaze commanding and powerful. "Enough!" they proclaimed, their voice echoing through the hall.

"This madness ends now. King Lucien is innocent. His actions were driven by survival, to protect himself and his kingdom from those who sought to plunge it into darkness."The rebels faltered, their resolve weakening. They exchanged uncertain glances before dispersing, their rebellion overshadowed by a newfound understanding.Freye looked at Lucien, her eyes filled with love and acceptance. She knew now that their bond was unbreakable, and that together, they would overcome any obstacle. The celebration that had once been marred by doubt and suspicion was now filled with hope and promise. They had faced their demons, and true love had prevailed.And as they stood side by side, hand in hand, the kingdom looked upon their king and his queen with admiration and trust, knowing that their love would guide them towards a brighter future.

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