Chapter Thirteen.

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[Rory's outfit]


HERE we were, out in the ocean, once again. We had taken Pope's boat as it was bigger than the HMS pouge to sail out here. The morning sun and breeze weren't too hard as we glided over the salty waters to the exact coordinates we found on the map from FedEx parcel. 

In search of the missing wreck of the Royal Merchant and the four hundred million in gold that went down with the ship. The only thing that can help John B and I with DCS and Foster care right now.

We have distributed the tasks amongst ourselves. Pope would controlling the drone/ROV. John B handling the camera and instructing the proper coordinates. JJ at the wheel, keeping the boat steady. While I will be helping Kie with lowering the tether and the drone into the water, making sure it won't get thrown around or get lost.

"Alright, guys, pin it here.." John B spoke as he took hold of the drone from its place on the floor of the boat and handing it to me and Kiara.

"Roger that, 'X' mark's the spot," JJ nodded from inside the cabine, making the boat halt on the proper location.

"Alright, ladies and going full kook," John B says before helping us put the deceive into the water as Kie grabs the tether and we watch as the drone goes underneath, the waves taking it as Kie and I roll the long tether, letting it down loose.

"Alright, JJ we are right over it...ten seconds northwest," John B instructs as he checks the camera and the Ipad thing, the drone is connected to.

"Got it, ten seconds northwest," JJ assures.

"One hundred feet," Kie says and I quickly grab the chalk we'd brought along to measure the depth. I draw a single line on the side of the boat to keep record of how deep the tether has gone.

Suddenly Pope gasps, horrifyingly loud that all of us turn to look at him.

"What the hell?"

"What, what, what, what?" JOhn B rushes to the boy's side.

"Sorry, it was nothing...I just thought--" Pope replies as we all groaned at his sudden gasp. 

"Don't that to me, man," JJ whines from inside the cabin, going back to handle the boat.

"Sorry, my bad, I thought I saw---"He mutters. "And to quote the Hobbit, 'Down, down, to goblin town. Down, down you go my lad'" He recites.

I frowned, looking at Kie to see if she understood whatever that was as we still continued to lower the tether. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I focus on the task at hand when she just chuckles and shakes her head at me, slightly.

"Four hundred feet," I informed as I draw the lines in the tally mark to keep track. 

"The tide's turning!" Kie spoke as I watched the tether now getting pulled around in the slightly heavy waves, while I heard thunder booming in the sky above.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now