Chapter Two.

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Up, up and away we go...

Up, up on the radio...Up, up and I'm feeling high...
Up, up, when we're flying by...



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EVERY person on this planet has done the walk of shame, at least once in their life. 

This wasn't any different. 

The cloudy afternoon sun was peeking in through the windows, the linen white curtains blocking most of it out as I tried to bring my breathing to normal, my back pressing on the soft, comfortable mattress. My heartbeat escalated, and the sheen layer of sweat covering my naked body which was half hidden with the white sheets, made goosebumps rise on my skin because of the cool air that the fan blew, above on the beautifully constructed ceiling of the bedroom.

So... get this... I wasn't in my room. I wasn't at my home.

Instead, here I was, at Tannyhill. Lying in Rafe Cameron's bed. Naked.

This is the shittiest and dirtiest I've ever felt. But I have obligations, given my word. There's a deal with Rafe and I need to uphold my end of it, if I don't want to get my ass beat.

A few months before summer started, I was in dire need of some heavy hard cash. To save up for rent, for daily life stuff, and... the biggest moment of my life. A surfing competition. It's conducted next month in LA. Yeah, I know, way too out of my league and way too fucking far away. But surfing is my life. 

I can forget to breathe... but never to surf. That's how much I love surfing. Being out in the water, on the waves. Riding them, flipping back down into the water. 

Surfing is my life. I depend on it way too much. I can't go a day without surfing and this was the biggest competition being held for surfers from all over America. I wanted to go and participate. But there's a participant's fee and then there's the cost of getting there, accommodation and pretty much everything.

So, bussing tables and serving hot food to the customers at the Wreck, didn't cover it. I did some more jobs here and there, with JJ's supervision, cause he's working double time and knows what's safe and what's not.

Here's the deal breaker, though... I couldn't save up much. Afterall I am a pouge.

And I don't know what possessed me to come to this fucker for money. But I saw him at a party a few months back, I was lonely. And even though I hate kooks, he was able to give me what I wanted that night. Then I remembered how super duper rich he is, while lying in bed naked with him. 

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now