Chapter Twenty Four.

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He said, "Let's get out of this town
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds"
I thought Heaven can't help me now...
Nothing lasts forever...
But this is gonna take me down...



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[Rory's outfit]

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[Rory's outfit]


I came back to Kie's place with her after we left the Crain house. The rest of the day got washed away as John B went back to the Chateau and Pope went back to Heyward's to cover his shift. The entire afternoon, Kie and I worked down at the Wreck, and now, here I was stressing about what to wear for the evening. JJ told me he'd be here to pick me at 5. 

And it was already 4:15, now. 

I had informed John B that I'd be staying over at Kie's tonight so he doesn't get worried and because JJ told me to bring a change of clothes as well, makes me believe we won't be coming back home for the night. 

Kie was excited, she told me she'd help me with the outfit but I didn't even know if it was casual or something fancy. 

"Shit, Kie--I don't know," I whined, pouting. "JJ wasn't specific, he said I look good in everything," I shrugged holding up a short summer dress in sea green shade with floral designs up to my body and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well, he didn't lie about that," Kie shrugged.

"You know what I mean..." I deadpanned at her, turning to look at her sitting on the edge of her bed, a couple of clothes piled on it. I was borrowing something nice from Kie's wardrobe. "And thanks...but it still doesn't clarify enough. What am I supposed to wear? A burlap sack?" I rolled my eyes.

She laughs, shaking her head. "You are going out with JJ, babe...he's gonna say you look stunning even if you were wearing a burlap sack," She said, coming to stand beside me, throwing her arm over my shoulder and holding up the short dress.  "But this...nah, it's not the one," She shakes her head.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now