Chapter Forty Four.

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Really too late to call, so we wait for...
Morning to wake you is all we got..
But to know me as hardly golden.
Is to know me all wrong, they were..


'm coming up only to you show you down for...
And coming up only to you show you're wrong.
To the outside, the dead leaves lay on the lawn...
'Fore they died, and had trees to hang there upon.



BEING raised by cold eyes, and cruel taunts always taught me not to cry. 

See, here's the thing, when you are not fed love and care on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives. But even then, I got lucky. I got a love that was far better and beautiful and deep than anything else I've ever felt or had.

And it was all her

The light at the end of the tunnel. The light for my darkness. The one and only to embrace me even at my worst and lowest. The one to love me, and teach me how to be in the moment, how to live life. 

She always had a past haunting her. Her mother's anger, her father's abandonment...but she also had her brother's love. Even in her own darkness, she never gave up. She always smiled, hiding her truth and pretending to be fine. Infact, she came out of that horror with a smile on her face. I swear, I've never seen anyone more strong and confident than her. 

She is my everything. The one to hold me, the one guide me on the right path. The one to love me. The one to keep my sane.

If I was her ocean...she was my moon. The way the tides, the waves always bound to the moon's gravity, I'm bound to her. 

And now, I was afraid. For the first time in my life...I was afraid. 

It's so so fucking have something so important in your life that you can lose it anytime, anywhere, so suddenly. Something that will never be the same again. Something death can touch. It's so frightening and terrifying.

And it's not her time to go. This just wasn't her time...she wasn't supposed to get this much hurt. She wasn't supposed to lose too much blood and then pass out while her breathing was too slow and shallow. She wasn't supposed to be lying here, drenched in her own blood as I held her in my arms. 

I was frozen. My eyes staring down at her face that looked as though she was sound asleep. Peaceful. Not a line of worry or stress on her forehead. There was commotion all around me. I could hear it all but it was all just way too muffled and waterlogged to reach my ears properly.

Rory isn't supposed to leave me this soon.

We haven't had enough time, yet. We've just been together for a few weeks. We haven't experienced it all. We didn't go causing more trouble...we didn't finish the hunt. We've got so much to do together. 

Nick liquor bottles, prank the pouges, vandalize even more parking lots and given the chance, vandalise the school's walls. We have got so many sunsets to watch together. Sunrises to wake up to. Have mind-blowing sex on beaches in the middle of the night. Rory had even promised to take me to the waterhole in the woods one day. 

Grow older, get enough money that we can leave Outer Banks and travel all the places she wants to see, go on that stupid surf trip I've always told her and only her about since we were kids. Go to LA so she can achieve her dream and participate in the surfing competition. 

Getting married one day on the beach, have lots of kids, and then get a cute little dog. Live in a small yet beautiful beach home, just me, my girl, our kids and our dog. 

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now