Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was fifteen...
And I've cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene...



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"THERE you guys go," I smiled. The Wreck was filled with customers as I walked through the small maze of tables and placed the proper plates on the table before the Kooks that had arrived to eat breakfast. 

I was here for about an hour or so now, Kie working alongside with me. 

Last night, JJ and I stayed at the hill, watching sunset and finishing up that bottle whiskey and then we stumbled through the scenic route to the Chateau to sleep. My brother was still there, so JJ opted to sleep outside on the pull-out sofa while I went to my bedroom. 

But I didn't sleep as well as I do with JJ beside me. I kept tossing and turning and waking up from half sleep. And now, I'm grumpy because of it.

The second the sun's rays hit my closed eyelids, my slumber broke and I was out of bed to shower and get ready for the day, grumbling under my breath as made myself coffee and drank about two and a half cup of it to wake myself up properly.

Ignoring John B, and sneakily kissing JJ on the cheek before my brother could notice, I was out of the house and walking towards the Wreck for my morning shift.

"Did you talk to John B last night?" Kie asked me as I took the order of the next table and went behind the bar counter to hand it to the chef in the kitchen. 

"No. I'm mad at him. I literally hate him right now..." I replied as I came out from the back kitchen. 

"Me too...I mean, I don't understand why he needs her in this at all, you know!" Kie rolled her eyes. 

"I know. Like out of every girl on the Island, JB went for the one who we both hate!" I nodded. 

"Exactly!!" She exclaims. "I hate Sarah."

"Oh, Kie..." I went closer to her, wrapping my arms around her as I rested my head on her shoulder. "I know, babe...I hate her too... and the fact that we are just trying to look out for John B and he can't see that, hurts..." I sighed. 

"Ro, what Sarah did to you is not something that can be forgotten and forgiven easily. I know how sad you had been after that happened...what she did to me is nothing when we see how badly she's hurt you," Kie rubbed her hand on my back as we both consoled each other.

"Hey--no, don't do that. Just because what she did to me was worse, doesn't mean that your problem is not important. You can't neglect it just because I've got the bigger problem with Queen Bee," I shake my head as I looked at her. "I don't like Sarah for what she did to the both of us..." I added.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now