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Nina stood outside the dimly lit room, taking a deep breath to steady herself. It was her turn to interrogate one of Pablo Escobar's maids, a potential source of valuable information. She adjusted her badge, stepping forward with a determined yet empathetic expression on her face. The maid, a middle-aged woman with tired eyes and nervous hands, looked up as Nina entered the room.

"Buena tarde, señora (Good afternoon, ma'am)," Nina greeted her in Spanish, her tone gentle and reassuring, "Mi nombre es Agente Santiago. Entiendo que ha estado trabajando para el señor Escobar por un tiempo. Estoy aquí para hablar con usted sobre una oportunidad que podría cambiar su vida(I understand that you've been working for Mr. Escobar for some time. I'm here to talk to you about an opportunity that could change your life.)".

The maid glanced at Nina, a mixture of curiosity and caution in her eyes. She had likely been through countless interrogations before, but Nina aimed to create an environment where the woman felt respected and heard.

"Por favor, siéntese (Please, seat)" Nina motioned towards the chair opposite her,"Quiero asegurarme de que se sienta cómoda y entienda que no está en ningún problema. Le estamos ofreciendo la oportunidad de ayudarnos y, a cambio, podemos ofrecerle un camino hacia un futuro mejor (I want to make sure you feel comfortable and understand that you're not in any trouble. We're offering you the opportunity to help us, and in return, we can offer you a path to a better future.)"

The maid tentatively took a seat, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Nina continued, her voice soft but firm, weaving a narrative of hope.

Nina reached into her briefcase, retrieving a stack of documents. She slid them across the table towards the maid, the papers representing a chance at a different life.

"Estos son los detalles del trato que estamos ofreciendo (These are the details of the deal we're offering)" Nina explained, her eyes locked with the maid's, "Podemos asegurarle una visa estadounidense, un nuevo comienzo en un país seguro y próspero. A cambio, pedimos su cooperación, cualquier información que pueda ayudarnos a desmantelar la red criminal de Pablo Escobar (We can  assure you of an American visa, a fresh start in a safe and prosperous  country. In return, we ask for your cooperation, any information that  may help us dismantle Pablo Escobar's criminal network)"

The maid's eyes widened as she glanced at the documents, the weight of the decision before her palpable. Nina maintained her calm and compassionate demeanor, understanding the magnitude of the choice the maid had to make. The room was filled with a heavy silence as the maid contemplated her options. She looked up at Nina, her eyes glistening with a mix of apprehension and longing.

"Sé que esta no es una decisión fácil y no puedo imaginar el miedo y la incertidumbre que debes estar sintiendo. Pero te prometo que aseguraremos tu seguridad y te protegeremos en cada paso del camino. Tenemos recursos y programas para apoyar a testigos e informantes como tú. (I know this isn't an easy decision, and I can't imagine the fear and uncertainty you must be feeling. But I promise you, we will ensure your safety and protect you every step of the way. We have resources and programs in place to support witnesses and informants like you.)"

"Señorita Santiago, he visto cosas... cosas que desearía poder olvidar (Miss Santiago, I have seen things... things that I wish I could forget)," The maid finally spoke, her voice quivering with the weight of her past, "Pero mi familia merece una vida mejor. Si puedo ayudar, si puedo proporcionar información para hacer justicia y proteger a otros, entonces quizás valga la pena el riesgo (But my family deserves a better life. If I can help, if I can provide information to bring justice and protect others, then perhaps it's worth the risk.)"

Nina nodded, her respect for the maid's courage evident in her eyes.

"Tu valentía es admirable, señora. Y te aseguro que haremos todo lo posible para mantenerte a ti y a tus seres queridos a salvo. Tu cooperación marcará una diferencia, no solo para ti misma, sino para muchos otros afectados por las operaciones de Escobar (Your bravery is admirable, ma'am. And I assure you, we will do everything in our power to keep you and your loved ones safe. Your cooperation will make a difference, not just for yourself, but for many others affected by Escobar's operations.)"

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