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As they stood in front of the shower, Alejandro gently guided Nina inside, his hands supporting her as she stepped in. The warm water cascaded over them, and Nina closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of the water soothing her tired muscles.

"Lean on me, cariño," Alejandro whispered, his voice filled with tenderness, "I've got you."

Nina allowed herself to rest against Alejandro's chest, her head nestled against his shoulder. His strong arms wrapped around her, steadying her as he carefully washed away the day's exhaustion.

His touch was gentle and loving, each movement a gesture of care and devotion. He hummed softly, the soothing sound resonating in Nina's ears, easing her mind and relaxing her body.

As Alejandro worked, he couldn't help but be amazed by Nina's strength and resilience. She had faced so much, both in her work and in her recovery, and yet she remained determined and courageous. He admired her more than ever, grateful for the privilege of being by her side.

"You're doing great, mi amor," He whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her temple.,"I'm so proud of you."

Nina's heart swelled at his words, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt vulnerable, exposed, and yet completely safe in Alejandro's arms. He had seen her at her weakest, and he had never once wavered in his love and support.

"I love you," She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alejandro's embrace tightened, his love for her pouring out in his touch.

"And I love you, Nina. Always and forever."

The warm water continued to pour over them, cocooning them in a world of their own. As Alejandro gently washed her hair, Nina's heart felt full to the brim with love and gratitude. She had feared that her injuries would change their relationship, that the physical and emotional toll would drive a wedge between them. But Alejandro had proven time and again that their love was unshakeable, that he would be there for her through every trial and tribulation.

As they stood together in the shower, their bodies pressed close, Nina felt an overwhelming sense of peace. In Alejandro's arms, she found solace, and in his unwavering love, she found the strength to keep moving forward.

As the water flowed over them, cleansing not just their bodies but also their souls, Nina knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be - in the arms of the man she loved, who had shown her what true love and devotion meant.

A few days later, Connie and Steve decided to pay a visit to Nina and Alejandro's home to check on Nina's wound and see how she was recovering. Connie had always been like a sister to Nina, and Steve was the brother she never had.

As Connie and Steve entered the house, they were greeted warmly by Alejandro.

"Thank you for coming," He said with a grateful smile, "Nina is resting in the living room."

They found Nina sitting on the couch, a soft blanket draped over her legs. Her face lit up with a smile as she saw Connie and Steve.

"Hey, you two," Nina said, her voice filled with affection, "It's good to see you."

Connie gave Nina a gentle hug, being careful not to put too much pressure on her healing wound.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, concern evident in her eyes.

"I'm getting there," Nina replied, glancing at Alejandro with gratitude, "Thanks to this amazing nurse here."

Alejandro chuckled, a touch of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

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