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The cure for a heartbreak was one of life's greatest mysteries. For some, the cure was to throw yourself into the arms of another. For Nina, the cure was to throw herself into the files of her job. Her emotions were pushed to the side, as if they never existed to begin with. She became the ideal desk jockey, on time and razor-focused on the documents in hand. She became enthralled with the Escobar case. It was now personal, thanks to the bullets that went through her skin.

She sat at her desk, surrounded by case files and surveillance photos of Pablo Escobar. Her eyes scanned the information with laser-like focus, her mind racing with strategies and plans. It was as if she was trying to lose herself in the relentless pursuit of justice, hoping that the intensity of her work would drown out the guilt and pain she felt inside.

Javier observed her from a distance, his heart heavy with remorse. He had caused this, and he couldn't help but feel responsible for the changes in Nina. He longed to reach out to her, to talk to her about the affair and find a way to mend the rift between them. But he knew that now was not the time. She needed space, and he had to respect that.

She seemed like a woman possessed, working long hours without rest or reprieve. She became a force of nature, and no one dared to question her methods or her intensity.

And as reckless and determined Steve had gotten over time, he wasn't like Nina. Steve no longer hesitated to put a gun to somebody's head and demand answers, but Nina was the type to let the silence drive her enemies mad under her hardened gaze. Nina became a fan of the long game, and it made her ever so terrifying.

One evening, as the sun began to set over the city, Javier found Nina still at her desk, poring over documents and sipping coffee to keep herself awake. Concern etched his face as he approached her.

"Nina, you need to take a break," He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

She looked up, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before returning to the files in front of her.

"I'm fine. I have work to do."

He reached out and gently touched her hand, causing her to look up at him again.

"I know this is hard, but burying yourself in work won't make the pain go away."

"I don't want to talk about it," She replied curtly, pulling her hand away from his touch, "I just want to focus on catching Escobar."

Javier sighed, his heart breaking for her.

"Pretending like nothing happened won't make it disappear."

"There's nothing to address," She snapped, her walls going up even higher, "It was a mistake, and it's over. Now, let's get back to work."

Her words stung, but Javier knew that pushing her would only make things worse. He nodded, backing away from her desk.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel like he was losing her, bit by bit. He knew that healing would take time, but he feared that her determination to shut everyone out, including him, would only drive them further apart.

Nina huffed angrily, sitting back in her chair as she pulled out a carton of cigs and lit one up. She fiddled with a pen in one hand as she inhaled the addictive substance with the other. Her heart weighed heavy in her chest, heavy with guilt, pain, and a conflict of emotions.

She loved Alejandro with all of her being. He was her everything-- her husband.

But Javier... Javier was special. And she hated that.

In the following weeks, Nina threw herself even more into her work. She became relentless in her pursuit of Escobar, her determination bordering on obsession. The team noticed her transformation, and while they admired her dedication, they worried about the toll it was taking on her.

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