A new life

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Season 2

17th September 2007

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17th September 2007

2 months before

I took my luggage out of the trunk staring at the huge apartment complex. I could hear Amelie squeal from the car. She decided to move in with her brother in a apartment under ours. My dad piggybacked my little sister Sophie. Camilla took pictures on her camera every second of the view of Paris.

I was mostly exited for the apartment which looked absolutely beautiful. As I gazed the place I got dragged by my sister including Amelie.

"This is it" she paused slowly taking the keys, unlocking the door slowly. My parents took the elevator, waiting impatiently behind us with the luggage. "Okay ready!" Camilla did a drummer roll letting our excitement and nervousness kick in.

 "Okay ready!" Camilla did a drummer roll letting our excitement and nervousness kick in

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The people really didn't lie saying Paris is the city to live in.

The apartment had deep ceilings with white walls. The apartment was definitely bigger than our mansion. As I checked out the place I came across a weird ladder which was on the second floor of our apartment. It led to a closed window which was build in the ceiling. This looked like a dead end but I really wanted to know where it leads to. I climbed the ladder and carefully opened the window, instantly the warm wind hitting my face. I gasped seeing the secret place. It was a beautiful rooftop with the view of the Eiffel Tower.

 It was a beautiful rooftop with the view of the Eiffel Tower

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Rage love lust/ Tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now