Safe Place

36 3 1

3rd POV

They all look at him.

Ren: "There's a village, about a mile west of here. It's got a doctor. They can treat him. If we can get him there then we can save him."

Nora: "But can he survive that kinda trip?"

Jaune: "He'll die if we move him too much."

Nora: "He'll also die if we don't do something."

They all turn to Ruby.

Ruby: "Let's get him stabilized then get moving."

Taking off her cloak she gently wraps it around Y/N. Tying it tight she delicately grabs the spear to keep it from moving too much. They then carefully get Y/N to his feet.

Ruby: "Alright. Let's get going."

They begin walking, slowly but surely making their way to the mentioned village. Sometime in Jaune places his fingers on Y/N's neck.

Jaune: "His pulse is getting slower."

Ruby: "How much further?"

Ren: "We're about halfway there."

Nora: "I starting to fear he won't make it that much longer."

Ruby: "Don't talk like that. He's gonna make it. I know it."

Jaune: *looks up* "I hope we reach that village soon. Sun's about an hour from setting. If we don't he won't survive the night."

Ren: "Guys."

They stop and smile.

Jaune: "Lights."

Ruby: "We made it."

Nora: "Come on."

They enter the village. Upon doing so all eyes land of them.

Ren: "We need a doctor."

Without hesitation they're taken to a doctor's office. Getting there Y/N's taken away to be treated. As his friends wait a man walks to them.

Man: "Ren?"

He looks and goes wide eyed. Getting to his feet he walks to the man. They look at each other. Ren's then yanked into a hug. The man begins crying.

Li: "I thought I lost you. I had heard Beacon was targeted. When I wasn't hearing from you I got scared. I, I thought-"

Ren returns his father's hug.

Ren: "It's okay. I'm right here."

His father tightens his grip around his son. Meanwhile Ren tries to comfort him. After some time they let go. But that's when a loud voice is heard.

Nora: "Uncle Li!!!"

She tackles Li nearly knocking him over. She then hugs him with all her strength.

Li: *strained* "Still as strong as ever."

Nora: "Yep. I never slacked when it came to training."

Li: "I can tell."

She lets go finally allowing Li to catch his breath.

Li: "So what're you guys doing here?"

Nora: "Our friend got badly wounded."

Li: "How'd that happen?"

They explain everything that happened.

Ren: "And now we're forced to wait."

Li: "Well you guys can't sleep here. How'd you like to stay at home?"

Ren: *smile* "That'd be nice."


As the heroes are taken to Ren's family home we get to Haven to see Salem staring into a Seer. Her face displays concern as she watches doctors operating on Y/N.

Salem: "Hang in there Y/N. For me."

She gently caresses the feed of Y/N. But dispelling the Seer her face displays utter rage as her eyes fall on a restrained Cinder.

Salem: "You have some nerve. Trying to kill someone I've dreamed about."

She gets off a chair walking to Cinder.

Salem: "Now, how to punish you?"

An idea then hits her making her smile.

Salem: "That's perfect."

Holding up her hand a knife manifests in it. She then starts getting closer to Cinder. Going outside her hideout all that's heard is a scream that's quickly muffled by gurgling.

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